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Doped-up rats in the ranks

Guest Urbanhog

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Guest Urbanhog
Doped-up rats in the ranks


By Kay Dibben

July 6, 2003


RATS high on drugs have been running wild in the ceiling of a police station after munching on speed and pot exhibits.


Rodents infesting the Caboolture station, north of Brisbane, have chewed through bags containing amphetamines and cannabis, and their urine has been found dripping down walls.


Queensland Police Union general secretary Phil Hocken said the "green leafy material nurtured by druggies" had become a meal for the rodents, and rats had been seen with "their eyes wide open, running frantically for no reason at all, round in circles".


Mr Hocken said traps had been laid to catch the rats and the drugs were now kept in sealed containers, but there were still vermin problems at the station.


"You shouldn't have to work in those conditions – not in 2003," he said.


The Sunday Mail (Qld)


from here.....news.com.au

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haha now thats funny, but maybe the cops have been getting into to much of the evidence and now they gotta feed the rats this stuff so it doent look to sus, lol i wonder what the people on trial are gonna say when they here the amount the got busted for has dropped by a bit , your being charged with 20 grams of green ( bullsh#t the re over 50grams before ) lol
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Guest Urbanhog
Queensland Police Union general secretary Phil Hocken said the "green leafy material nurtured by druggies"

What a fucking wanker Phil is....we stoners are "druggies"... lol... dickhead.



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hey urbie


i live close to caboolture and have had the same problem myself.

i had some dried leaf and small buds in a plastic bag in a cupboard in a shed,about a couple of oz , and was thinking of making some butter.


anyhow i forget about it and a couple of months later i opened the cupboard door and heres this bag ripped open and weed spread about everywhere ( by now these's way less than an oz and thats left is half fucking chewed up ) i'm a bit pissed about this so i looked around for evidence and found some rat shit so i thought i'll get you ya prick and raced out and bought a rat trap, set the trap with some bacon rind , put it in the cupboard next to the weed and checked it the next day and heres this big fucking rat with the trap slammed hard on his neck. got him !!


he seemed to have a big smile on his face so i think he hit the weed first before he ate the bacon. lol

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Guest weekprik
i'll get you ya prick and raced out and bought a rat trap, set the trap with some bacon rind , put it in the cupboard next to the weed and checked it the next day and heres this big fucking rat with the trap slammed hard on his neck. got him !


hmm I see evidence that marijuana does infact kill !!!!



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