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Feminizing liquid

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Ever had one of those threads when you were really bent and confused and wished you had never typed what you did........................... :whistle:

......................Well this is mine. Please disregard anything I have said regards breeding....................He know's not what he does.. lol .

:peace: Gh72

ha peoples this is what ive herd theres a few ways aparently, gibberellic acid, ph stress, light sress, and fertilzer stress, to force female plants to seed ,

and then theres another way aparently, you use silver nitrate, and sodium thiosulphate , and its called sts duno what that means, an i wouldnt have a clue the proper mixture, an its pioson,

and ive also herd u can water the fem plants with asprin , DUNO ABOUT THAT 1 BUT ????



i dont know how 2 put links up but if u google this ,HIGHTIMES.COM/GROW/SOMA/622, i havent read it all so carnt say what its all about, but the bit i read he uses the stress gibberellic acid .

an the silver nitrate n sodium thiosulphate, ive herd it defanetly couses fem plants 2 produce only FEM polland , and ive herd u can only buy these 2 chems together an you have 2 leave your details when purchesing them .???????? sounds dangerous 2 me if you have 2 leave all your details


and im strait as tonight GH72 lol

Edited by smashed1
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