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Feminizing liquid

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What do you think your feminized seeds you buy are? Treated seeds. I don't buy feminized seeds because they are too exspensive and I can do it at home. You can not change genetics by using this, but all seeds are capable of both sexes as shown by hermaphrodites. It is Enviroment and Dominant characteristics that determine sex.


If you use a compound that enhances Female attributes and/or denies Male attributes you Increase your chances of females.

Look at simple genetics, the plant is capable of having two sexes on one plant, so both these abilities must be present in the seed. Greenhouses, Vineyards and various other growers use similar methods in all different plant types, if it did not work, why would multi-million dollar enterprises use various versions of this method?


I know people have used this stuff and say it is a bunch of horse crap. Maybe it was them that didn't control the Enviroment properly that made Males/Hermi's. I think some people think it is a miracle cure that you can crack them in and then do anything you like and they will stay female. If you are not as careful as when you don't use it you are wasting your money. As I said It PROMOTES Female attributes(or denies MALE), it does not change them at a genetic level.


As for plunging your plants into darkness for 24/48 hrs, this also promotes female attributes before switching to 12/12.

Think about it, a lot of light promotes Vege, less light promotes Flower, No light sends the plant into a defensive mode and it sends its energy to the areas of reproduction because it thinks it might need to reproduce quickly, in short, it thinks it's dying.


You can also plunge your plants into total darkness at the end of your grow for 24/48hrs and it will produce more resin due to it trying to protect it's reproductive parts as it thinks it is dying/under attack.

These are tips from a guy in Holland that has been growing greenhouses for 35 years. Supplies a lot of the coffeeshops you smoke in there, he taught me how to grow outdoors and in greenhouses.


If you can prove me wrong, fine, I'll cop that. Just tell that to my CHRYSTAL seeds that just cracked and now have roots in 24 hours, in femenizer.I get constantly around 80% females and usually 20% Hermi and VERY rarely a male.

I also grow some of the stickiest, tastiest buds that you can smoke. Make up your own mind. GH72


WHOA Grasshopper wait up a minute!,

whilst everyone is entitled to their opinion i would also like to present another theory on Femminized Seeds ...


the sex of a seed is determined genetically


plants are either male or female depending on the two-chromosome combination of the X and Y chromosomes,

a male carries an X and a Y chromosome (“XY”), while a female carries two X chromosomes (“XX”)

when pollenization of a female plant occurs, the seeds and how the sex characteristics are determined is based on a simple combination of the two sets of chromosomes:





Female X | XX XY



from this Square, you can see that there are 4 possible combinations of the chromosomes from the male and female plant that a seed can inherit, 2 being male (“XY”) and 2 being female (“XX”), representing a 50% chance a seed will be male or female


scientifically this suggests that strategies of producing more female plants from seeds by germinating and vegetating the plant under certain conditions to improve the female:male ratio are ineffective, as the seed’s sex is predetermined when it is created based on the chromosome distribution outlined above

however there are known cases of plants being able to alter sex based on environmental conditions


the definition of a feminized seed is a seed where the sex chromosome combination is guaranteed to be “XX”.


it is common in the Cannabis seed industry to sell feminized seeds that are simply the result of a hermaphrodite self pollinating

this is a feminized seed because both “parents” are contributing “XX”, resulting in seeds that can only have an “XX” combination as the “Y” chromosome is not in the equation


pollen of a hermie female still passes “XX”, pollen itself is only a chromosome distribution mechanism and will still pass the chromosomes of the plant on which it is produced


in the case of a true male where pollen is naturally produced this is “XY”, with a hermaphrodite female plant this is still “XX” hermie male flowers are a reaction to environmental stress, they do not represent a fundamental rewriting of the plants genetic characteristics


if the plants resulting from a hermaphrodite-sired seed are not stressed, there is every probability that a healthy female plant will be produced

the mother created seeds without the contribution of a male, therefore the male chromosomes are not present in the offspring


the drawback of this method is that the seeds created are also guaranteed to have the hermaphrodite trait passed, resulting in a risk of your garden being destroyed by hermie male flowers spreading pollen and destroying the potency of your crop



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that actually makes sense Frazz...when you think of hermie's being originally XX but due to environmental stress some male traits pop up...offspring from a 2x hermie mating pair would only be XX. and we know plants have the ability to reproduce without requiring traits from the Y chromosome for embryo survival...unlike other organisms


genetics laws are pretty much fulfilled in this theory...although you'd probably have to confirm it by mating hundreds of hermies :)

Edited by tanglewood
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By dominant Characteristics Frazz I mean as in X and Y chromosomes. Sorry if I made a boo-boo genetics wise, I'm no genetics whizz, but you have to admit that even a hermi seeding is a Male trait, how can it achieve this with No male influence from Two X chromosones? They are X dominant, IMO, the dominant gene will become the active X or Y.

Feminizing with solutions, It's enviromental, and this triggers something or blocks something, so by manipulation of the enviroment you have created a Female in the same way you can create a Hermi by altering enviroment , and you say that seed sex is predetermined? Maybe male to female. I say plant Genetics are predetermined and agree with you there, but enviromental changes can alter the selection between female(XX) and Hermi (XX), because an enviromental change such as blocking or supressing Hermi/Male traits. So yes the Feminized seeds are bred 'femenized' but enviroment is the determining factor. Not arguing that your not right, just an interesting observation.


. Gh72

Edited by Grasshopper72
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As for plunging your plants into darkness for 24/48 hrs, this also promotes female attributes before switching to 12/12.

Think about it, a lot of light promotes Vege, less light promotes Flower, No light sends the plant into a defensive mode and it sends its energy to the areas of reproduction because it thinks it might need to reproduce quickly, in short, it thinks it's dying.

That still doesn't answer how you get females from doing that GH72 - even if the plant is being sent signals to flower they can still flower as males. You still don't explain why it promotes female flowering - both male and female plants will flower when the light hours are decreased.


Jimbo :)

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Hey jimbo, it doesn't turn plants female, it promotes female attributes, theres a big difference. If I could turn plants female, I would be keeping it a secret and making a mint off it =).

Look everybody, I just do what works for me, I'm not saying that my way is the only way or that I'm even right about it, i'm not interested in theory, I just use what works.

Your exactly right about the light Jimbo, anything will flower under Reduced light hours, i just find when I drop them into total darkness for a short amount of time, I get good results. It's called force flowering and makes the plant flower faster.

If you check out the MG bible or Doctor Greenthumb, they do the same, and these are guys with shit loads of knowledge on the subject.

There is a huge debate on whether this works or not, all i can say is it works for me, after that 24-48 hours darkness, the plants go straight into flower, fast.

Make up your own minds as to what works for you. GH72

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hhmm very interesting, so does anyone know how the seed banks breed femised seeds being that if it's done by Hermis you would still have the risk that your so called Female seeds could be Hemi?


Cheers Chops


Gday chops


I heard that some seed banks feminize there seeds to stop their "true" strain being stolen by other seedbanks.

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Guess I'll throw my two bobs in!!! According to "the Cannabis Breeders Bible" by Greg Green feminizing seeds is a bit more involved than inducing hermies. frazz is right...a female plant can ONLY pass on XX genes so any offspring will be female. True to the weed like nature of canna it CAN throw male flowers but the pollen can ONLY carry the XX genes. A good breeder will weed out the plants with herm tendencies by light poisoning plants ie. altering the photoperiod. out of a bunch of well bred females you will find one that won't throw bananas. This is the one you want to feminize. A GA3 (Gibberellic Acid) mix of 0.02g GA3 to 30 cl of water sprayed on the plant regularly will induce male flowers. This pollen from a stable mother can be used to self pollinate of cross breed with other strains. All seeds can ONLY be XX - females!!!
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my two cents. I had an entire crop turn hermi due to light stress. There light cycle was continually disrupted and the plants closest the light source had the most bananas in their otherwise female buds. It was a fucking disaster. I googled the shit out of it and yes stresses can interfere with sex. and as it turns out light stress can cause fem plants to throw the odd male flower. My point is environment plays a role.


In addition i cant remember details but there are growing methods for feminising seeds. EG light stressing female plants and collecting their resulting pollen then pollinating normal non-stressed females with this pollen = feminised seeds.

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