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Feminizing liquid

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I haven't used it myself, but my opinion is that the sex of your plant/seed is pre-determined before germination and nothing will change this.


If someone can afford it it would be great to see say 100 seeds germinated the regular way and 100 seeds germinated with a feminising solution. They could be sexed and the number of females in each group counted to see if there is a difference. Obviously no-one (i don't think) is going to grow 200 plants to prove a point, just sayin I won't believe it till I see it.


Anyway I've never got a pack of seeds with no females, although I know it can happen.


Sorry for not really answereing your question man.


Naycha :D

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I agree with Naycha, I believe the sex is pre-determined before germination and the different soaks and additives they try to sell you are just horse shit. Don't waste your money imo


That said I don't believe that the method of putting your plants into a couple of days of total darkness between vege and flower has any effect on sexing your plants either. I've seen this comment made a few times recently and I'd really like to hear the theory behind it because to me, it just doesn't stack up.


Jimbo :D

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What do you think your feminized seeds you buy are? Treated seeds. I don't buy feminized seeds because they are too exspensive and I can do it at home. You can not change genetics by using this, but all seeds are capable of both sexes as shown by hermaphrodites. It is Enviroment and Dominant characteristics that determine sex.


If you use a compound that enhances Female attributes and/or denies Male attributes you Increase your chances of females.

Look at simple genetics, the plant is capable of having two sexes on one plant, so both these abilities must be present in the seed. Greenhouses, Vineyards and various other growers use similar methods in all different plant types, if it did not work, why would multi-million dollar enterprises use various versions of this method?


I know people have used this stuff and say it is a bunch of horse crap. Maybe it was them that didn't control the Enviroment properly that made Males/Hermi's. I think some people think it is a miracle cure that you can crack them in and then do anything you like and they will stay female. If you are not as careful as when you don't use it you are wasting your money. As I said It PROMOTES Female attributes(or denies MALE), it does not change them at a genetic level.


As for plunging your plants into darkness for 24/48 hrs, this also promotes female attributes before switching to 12/12.

Think about it, a lot of light promotes Vege, less light promotes Flower, No light sends the plant into a defensive mode and it sends its energy to the areas of reproduction because it thinks it might need to reproduce quickly, in short, it thinks it's dying.


You can also plunge your plants into total darkness at the end of your grow for 24/48hrs and it will produce more resin due to it trying to protect it's reproductive parts as it thinks it is dying/under attack.

These are tips from a guy in Holland that has been growing greenhouses for 35 years. Supplies a lot of the coffeeshops you smoke in there, he taught me how to grow outdoors and in greenhouses.


If you can prove me wrong, fine, I'll cop that. Just tell that to my CHRYSTAL seeds that just cracked and now have roots in 24 hours, in femenizer.I get constantly around 80% females and usually 20% Hermi and VERY rarely a male.

I also grow some of the stickiest, tastiest buds that you can smoke. Make up your own mind. GH72

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What do you think your feminized seeds you buy are? Treated seeds. I don't buy feminized seeds because they are too exspensive and I can do it at home. You can not change genetics by using this, but all seeds are capable of both sexes as shown by hermaphrodites. It is Enviroment and Dominant characteristics that determine sex.


If you use a compound that enhances Female attributes and/or denies Male attributes you Increase your chances of females.

Look at simple genetics, the plant is capable of having two sexes on one plant, so both these abilities must be present in the seed. Greenhouses, Vineyards and various other growers use similar methods in all different plant types, if it did not work, why would multi-million dollar enterprises use various versions of this method?


I know people have used this stuff and say it is a bunch of horse crap. Maybe it was them that didn't control the Enviroment properly that made Males/Hermi's. I think some people think it is a miracle cure that you can crack them in and then do anything you like and they will stay female. If you are not as careful as when you don't use it you are wasting your money. As I said It PROMOTES Female attributes(or denies MALE), it does not change them at a genetic level.


As for plunging your plants into darkness for 24/48 hrs, this also promotes female attributes before switching to 12/12.

Think about it, a lot of light promotes Vege, less light promotes Flower, No light sends the plant into a defensive mode and it sends its energy to the areas of reproduction because it thinks it might need to reproduce quickly, in short, it thinks it's dying.


You can also plunge your plants into total darkness at the end of your grow for 24/48hrs and it will produce more resin due to it trying to protect it's reproductive parts as it thinks it is dying/under attack.

These are tips from a guy in Holland that has been growing greenhouses for 35 years. Supplies a lot of the coffeeshops you smoke in there, he taught me how to grow outdoors and in greenhouses.


If you can prove me wrong, fine, I'll cop that. Just tell that to my CHRYSTAL seeds that just cracked and now have roots in 24 hours, in femenizer.I get constantly around 80% females and usually 20% Hermi and VERY rarely a male.

I also grow some of the stickiest, tastiest buds that you can smoke. Make up your own mind. GH72

feminized seeds that you buy are not treated with that liqid they are breed that way buy a simple prosses, i mean why would they spend money om some fem liquid when it cost em nothing to breed em so they totally fem.

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Torana, ask around on here how many people have had hermi's or males from femenized seeds, They are not 100% female. You show me a plant that shoots out guarenteed female seeds every time and I'll buy the lot. Don't exist.

Right on Chops, anyone buying Fem. seeds will know they are not always ALL female, that is an Impossibility. You can't control natures genetics, you can play with them, but in the end nature will do what is needed to ensure the survival of it's species.

Heard the birth control thing years ago dude, but can't comment as i have never tried it. Maybe someone else has used it, or uses it mate, not sure. Laters, GH72

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