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Perth WA best Potting Soil/Potting Mix To Use?

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Hello I am in Perth WA and am thinking of growing 3 plants as mate gave me a handfull of seeds before he went back to Queensland last month.

I dont want to grow them hydro though,I am going to grow soil in pots under light however went to Bunnings today to get medium however there was so many different sorts that I left empty handed with the thought of getting some advice from someone hopefully also in Perth.

First question I would like to ask is what is the difference between potting soil and potting mix and should I be using potting soil or potting mix?

Also can anyone advise me which potting soil or potting mix to get to grow some decent plants as there must have been at least 30 different bagged types at the bunnings store which I went to today which was the one in Morley.

Well hopefully someone can help with some advice regarding such hopefully someone in Perth as dunno if bunnings stock same potting soil/potting mix all over Aus.

Thank you in advance to anyone who can give me some good advice regarding Potting Soil/Potting Mix

Edited by helpmegrowbro
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Haha, golden. Pretty sure we dont get that searles stuff here in WA, and if we do, ive never seen it. Im guessing the canna terra shit would be good stuff, ive never used it but everything else of theres ive ever used has been great.


Another good potting mix in WA is the mumballup organics range if you can find it :thumbsup:

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