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recirculating problems

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Guest Field_of_Light

for a recirc system? Do you use a header tank? to fill your brainbox....?


Id use full strength nutes...


If your running a kind of dwc recirc system then Id use 1/4 or 1/3 nutes....


I had a g13 and at 2 months it was one foot tall and one foot wide.....


Rootlocked = rootbound


Defintely flush from above...that hydroton gets a white powedery look to it when there are salts on there....


Only heard silica being used to add strength to plant limbs and maybe stop rot rot.....but if you have well oxygenated water I wouldnt worry about it so much


Are you using an airpump? And what sized pots are you using tigger?

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the res sits under the table and is 80 litres, ther are no pots just hydroton which is a bad idea because i cant move them around as they grow and some are definately taller than others. next time i'll try to find a load of square pots so they can be moved. the table flods to just above the half way and keeps flooding for 15 mins then drains everything out via the pump. i have a lidded res that is heated to about 28 and a standard air pump with air stone
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Guest Field_of_Light

maybe drop your temp to 24 degrees max.....


Do you mean you have all your plants in a tub? Im having trouble picturing what you are talking about....


So your basically doing sog?

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when i run flood and drain and i see the holes in the bottom of the pots are full of roots..I drop the watering back to only 4 times per day...not at all in the dark period. eg; 7.00 , 11.00 , 3.00, 7.00

Becasue of the space between the rocks the roots form a sort of sponge that holds water.

There is no reason why you cant pot the plants now,Just be a little careful .

I some time repot if I get paranoid about root rot when the roots are full on.

I simply pull the root clump out and put a cup of rocks in the bottom of the pot then put the root clump back in.





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yeah tigger pots sound good to me. If you had clones of all one strain it would probably be OK to have them all in one big table, but with different strains like you have no doubt some plants will be stronger than others and their root systems will steal more space off the weaker plants creating an even bigger growth differential.


I reckon most nurseries would stock square pots. or maybe Bunnings.

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i'll need some deep 4 or 5 inch square pots and they aren't easy to find, i've had my eyes peeled for some for ages.

back to maintenance, can anyone recomend a good product?

i'm using canna veg and a little superthrive, and thats it. is stopwilt a good product for this system?

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Guest Field_of_Light

tigger defintely bunnings if you want to travel that route....they have loads of pot sizes and tubs...


but you should be ok with one strain in the tub you have going...dont stress too much about it...I think I know the system you are talking about....just keep your different strains seperated....


You can spend endless amounts of money on additional supplements...but really nowing your strain you are growing is far more beneficial...ie knowing that the g13 is soooooooooooooooo slow......lol


Ive seen snails crawl faster....

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You shouldn't need to worry about the Stopwilt unless you're expecting a root disease, you can get small square plastic tubs for table plants, I think Kmart sell tem, but you would need to drill drainage holes in them though.



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Fuck the stopwilt and the superthrive off, too much superthrive slows down plant processes. Its very good stuff when it comes to things like repotting houseplants, root pruning mothers, I use quite alot of the stuff. But it definately isn't needed in MJ resevoir water.


My MJ grows great without seeing any Vitamin B, and I'm pretty healthy without vegemite.


Think of it this way, you dont take that berrocca unless you need to, and superthrive is exactly the same, helps with your plants hangover.


@ Field of Light. - 4 mths veg for G13???? I've got 2 G13 girls at about a week old and they're already going strong even though I got many problems right now, they are growing at the same rate as my unknown other's. At 4 months old I would be needing a new cupboard and a few more lights. At 4 weeks old I suspect they will be 3 to 4ft bushes ready to flower. I know Afghani definately would be in my system.


As for SOG crops with different strains, I try it all the time, Its not gonna get you the best yield definately, but if you know what your doing then.

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