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Discussion with doctor?




I have Glaucoma induced from medications I have taken for years because of Leukaemia, and a Bone Marrow Transplant I had. I have had laser surgery on one eye to soften the eye and try to reduce the pressure in the eye as glaucoma treatment. And been on multiple drops and medication each day to try to reduce the pressures. I read on here about Tony Bower and his hopeful medicinal marijuana clinic, and brang up the question of Meidicinal THC and Hemp remedies to my eye specialist and was met with a quick 'I don't know anything about it' and change of subject, indicating he wasn't interested in listening to or discussing the idea. It made me pretty mad, as I mentioned I've already had surgeries, my pressures are still up. I have lost a lot of site in my right eye and The medication they tried me on made me VERY ILL, vommiting etc.. and I almost had to have Glaucoma surgery where they cut a hole in your eye so it drains by it'self relieving it of it's pressure. Now my pressures are going back up and I am noticing more darkness, loss in vision and headaches and would be interested in trying anything but with the ignorance of a doctor that won't even discuss it how do I go about this?


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Hey Nothing4Name.


i hope that you can find a way to treat ya self in a way you find acceptable, Tincture or ingesting sounds good, others may like to correct me here but if you dont care to much about taste you could just eat the buds like its parsley or oregano. No tincture no baking no processing just ingest.


No doubt you will have to do some experimenting with dose/frequency, also if you are scoring weed, each time the weed changes you may need to adjust dose/frequency unless you can guarantee it is the same strain. I think this is the biggest issue if you are looking to medicate with street weed. you cannot be sure of quality, strain and possible chems in it. The strain could make a big diff in the medicinal effect that you recieve. With the mullaways tincture the guy has bred his own strain which suits what he does. Not saying you need to, but there are strains out there which have been bred for medicinal applicaiton.


from what i read and see this seems to be very early days for medical marijuana in our 'modern' times, you may need to be a bit of a pioneer and figure out what works best for you & your condition and then share the experience/information.


Best of luck to you.

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Hi Nothing4name, Know exactly what you are talking about in regards to glaucoma and it is not a fun journey which forced me to test cannabis for myself only to find that it works on my intra-ocular pressure for the whole day. Some people get results for up to 72 hours. Opthamologist know that it works yet they are not able to legally prescribe or even advise us to try it as it is illegal, but when you are facing a black world then obeying a man made corrupt law is your last consideration. I have had the drops, trabeculectomy and revision of that and now my eye is near on blind with constant pain and just a mass of scar tissue so I loathe the idea of eye operations. The horror stories from these eye operations are really frightening if you get onto some glaucoma website chats etc. Check out Elvy Musiki who is a medical cannabis patient in America for many decades and swears by cannabis for retaining her eyesight.


Now if cannabis was legal which it should be and will be then you could consume it in a number of ways as one would have copious quantities to either bake, steep, vape, or whatever. It is after all only a plant and all the extensive research it receives are only proving time and time again to be a harmless plant with so many positive qualities. Pharmaceutical companies make a lot of money keeping it illegal as do major criminal networks so we are dealing with mass corruption as well as general ignorance due to lack of education.

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