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Discussion with doctor?




I have Glaucoma induced from medications I have taken for years because of Leukaemia, and a Bone Marrow Transplant I had. I have had laser surgery on one eye to soften the eye and try to reduce the pressure in the eye as glaucoma treatment. And been on multiple drops and medication each day to try to reduce the pressures. I read on here about Tony Bower and his hopeful medicinal marijuana clinic, and brang up the question of Meidicinal THC and Hemp remedies to my eye specialist and was met with a quick 'I don't know anything about it' and change of subject, indicating he wasn't interested in listening to or discussing the idea. It made me pretty mad, as I mentioned I've already had surgeries, my pressures are still up. I have lost a lot of site in my right eye and The medication they tried me on made me VERY ILL, vommiting etc.. and I almost had to have Glaucoma surgery where they cut a hole in your eye so it drains by it'self relieving it of it's pressure. Now my pressures are going back up and I am noticing more darkness, loss in vision and headaches and would be interested in trying anything but with the ignorance of a doctor that won't even discuss it how do I go about this?


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Hi Nothin4name,I have the same problem as you with Glaucoma,High pressure in eye,s it a prick hey,I have been lucky as my eye specialist is cool about pot an told me to use pot to drop the high pressure in my eyes, it works 35% to 40% better than the drugs an eye drops they give you for it,I sent emails to tony bower to see if i could get on his list but have had no reply from him,I sent the email on the 4/5/2010,so i would not hole your breath for help,your best bet is to start a grow for yourself an make some tincture for yourself its quite easy to make.or even smoking pot will drop the pressure in your eyes.let me know if you need help in this matter making tincture. ;) :peace: best of luck with it.Check the link i put in T,H,C,Extraction. Edited by Dingo-2008
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Dear Nothin4name (& anybody else),


I have diabetes. One of the problems with this is glaucoma. If you can discover how to get medical marijuana please don't hesitate to let me know. My glaucoma isn't too bad and when I could get what I needed it was very much under control. Cannabis is the best drug when it comes to glaucoma. Beats everything else by a very long way. Problem is that the pharmaceutical companies can't make any money from it.

As for trying to alleviate my medical problem, there's stuff on the NSW Central Coast. I guess there's stuff everywhere. Finding it is another matter. As one luminary stated in a post I read in this group - not all that long ago - if you can't score you must have a limp dick. Perhaps that's my problem: diabetes induced glaucoma limp-dick syndrome (D.I.G.L.D.S.)!

Perhaps I should learn Braille. I wouldn't be breaking the law if I learnt Braille.



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Hi Al,


My problem is not with finding, or obtaining marijuana. Like everyone else I know people that would happily distribute enough for a going rate in a phone call. The thing is I'm not really interested in smoking it because from what I have read the ammount needed to induce a significant effect to treat the glaucoma is outweighed by the side effects it has on your body. So in order to significantly treat glaucoma symptoms by SMOKING, you would need to smoke every 3 - 4 hours, or about 8 times every 24 hours. This increases the risk of a lot of other problems including lung cancer etc. So like I said I am not interested in smoking marijuana, but I was under the impression they were working on better ways for people to induce it including tablets, or in food. Sure the occasional joint would be ok but that's not going to stop me going blind in the long run.

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an make some tincture for yourself its quite easy to make.or even smoking pot will drop the pressure in your eyes.let me know if you need help in this matter making tincture. ;) :peace: best of luck with it.Check the link i put in T,H,C,Extraction.



Hi Dingo,

I have never heard of a 'tincture' but from what I just read on the net, it seams like it would be exactly what I am looking for. Small dose, easy to consume and inconspicuous. If i'm not wrong it sounds like it's as simple as soaking buds in alochol in a jar, shaking it every day for about 2 weeks, then straining the herb from the alcohol and taking it like medicine. What can I expect it's potency to be like? By that I mean I would like maximum effect medically, without being completely/noticably strung out all the time.

thanks for the reply

Edited by Nothin4name
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Hi Nothin4name, hope it goes well for you today.


Hi Dingo,

I have never heard of a 'tincture' but from what I just read on the net, it seams like it would be exactly what I am looking for. Small dose, easy to consume and inconspicuous. If i'm not wrong it sounds like it's as simple as soaking buds in alochol in a jar, shaking it every day for about 2 weeks, then straining the herb from the alcohol and taking it like medicine. What can I expect it's potency to be like? By that I mean I would like maximum effect medically, without being completely/noticably strung out all the time.

thanks for the reply


Scuse me for answering this one Dingo mate ;)

Nothin4name you have one method there for tincture. The stronger the alcohol and bud the better.


Another option is hash oil, which you can also ingest. There's a few methods to extract this, safest is likely iso.

Imo better quality with bho, bit more dangerous tho.


Another method is to infuse cannabinoids in butter, which leads onto>


How long do the effects of cookies usually last? I've had them before, but had 2


Easy that long mate :peace:

Depends on the potency of the oil/hash/bud/trim or leaf even, how much butter is used in the recipe etc.

Your body will metabolize d9 thc into 11hydroxy thc, enjoy the body stone.


Best of luck mate.

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Ive read up all about the 'Tinture's and they sound like a good idea for the future. I'm going to look a bit more into that But I have a friend who is going to bake me some cookies to give a try. In her words 'she's the best cookies baker in the hood' haha. So I'l try different ammounts of that, starting from half-one going up to see what gets the best effect for my eyes and other reasons.


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You can make marijuana milk, its very easy but taste horrible (but hey you wanted medicine!!)



1. Grind up thourally 1/2 to 1 Oz of bud


2. Heat up the 1/2 to 1 Oz of Bud in 2-3 litres of FULL CREAM milk (maybe closer to 2 litres if your just doing half an oz). You may also want to add a couple of tea spoon of CREAM... The THC absorbs into the fat.


3. Keep simmering around the boil for 1 hour. Do not let it burn or overflow.


4. Strain away all the green gunk (if you want its not compulsory)


5. Drink a SMALL amount... Try I don't know 25 ML (a cautious first dose) and work your way up and up from there.. Who knows 25ML might be right but you might need up to 200ML :D Increase by 25ML per dose per 2 hours until you find about the right level. Be careful oral consumption of marijuana- especially for begginers- can be very powerful and may impair judgment and possibly trigger anxiety attacks in susceptible people that bite off more than they can chew!


Be aware the effect takes around 2 hours to hit fully, so do NOT redose after 1 hour if the effect is not enough!


With the marijuana milk I usually take 1-2 gulps then drink some normal milk to get rid of the taste.

Edited by cybergenesis
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