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Indoor soil growing/fertiliser Qs

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1) Thinking of planting my seeds in Searles potting mix. Lable says its suitable for potting most plants - will it work for canabis?


2) Thinkin of adding blood n bone, mnure & Urea to the mix - would this be beneficial?


3) Can anyone reccomend a good fertilizers for vegetive & flowering stages?


4) Is it possile to ovrdo the fertiliser?



5) Which is best liquid or peleted/powdered fertiliser?

Edited by oliscot
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searles is top shit mate for hooter , pick all red and yellow fert out ... mix with at least 40 % washed perlite , don't worry about putting much else in it .. it may or will become too hot .. for plants giving probs from the off .


get some canna nutes haf strength plus superthrive and a root tonic .. mmm just about covers it .. you will be a happy grower then ... yep seeds get some jiffy pots and plant in them first , when you got roots plant in mix .. cheers ..

if you water with plain water every other feed you won't overfert this mix , just got to make sure mix is dry \light before re watering


ev :D

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searles is top shit mate for hooter , pick all red and yellow fert out ... mix with at least 40 % washed perlite , don't worry about putting much else in it .. it may or will become too hot .. for plants giving probs from the off .


get some canna nutes haf strength plus superthrive and a root tonic .. mmm just about covers it .. you will be a happy grower then ... yep seeds get some jiffy pots and plant in them first , when you got roots plant in mix .. cheers ..

if you water with plain water every other feed you won't overfert this mix , just got to make sure mix is dry \light before re watering


ev :D

Cheers mate,


Went to order cannanutes and super thrive, noticed its designed for a hydro setup. Will these still work for soil growing?

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Hi there oliscot,

As for your nutrients, hydro nutes do not assume your soil contains any natural nutes, as many people grow in nuetral mediums like perlite, so it contains everything plants need. My missus uses it on her garden and man does it work. She has a collection of elephant ears that look like they've been grown in the tropics. Her veg garden is growing heaps as I flush on to it.

I recommend using hydro nutes for all plants. Indoor, outdoor, hydro, vegie you name it. They work.


Just some ideas


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