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I really hate the negative opinion some people have about weed even when they don't know anything about it.


Why is that if somebody goes out and gets blind drunk every weekend then it's all in good fun but if somebody else smokes an occasional joint they must be a drug addict loser?


This fucks me right off :)

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:peace: I know exactly what your saying man


One of my friend told me that im stupid because I say weed is healthier than cigarettes.

Also I remember back in high school, this teacher told me that weed contains 4 times the amount of nicotine it has in cigarettes. FAIL much.

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I hope you aren't having a go against people that drink. What is wrong with drinking? Sure, it may not the be the healthiest fun you can get, or the safest but it is legal. I'm not taking a stab against smoking abit of pot, but you have to remember people are brought up to follow laws. The amount of money beer companies spend on advertising their product to a wide market is massive, to promote their product, because its legal. The amount of money spent on anti-marijuana propaganda also massive, because its illegal.


Now, if pot was always legal then I can guarantee you would not have the anti-marijuana propaganda. Even if it is legalised tomorrow, you will have the people against it? Why? Because our whole lives we are brought up to believe it is bad, in any amount of intake, kids from the age of 10 (even younger) are shown how bad pot in any amount of consumption is bad, where as we are shown how bad alcohol can be if we don't moderate our consumption.


Sure, you said you hate when people don't know anything about it, but then again, how much money does the government spend on educating people on the TRUTH about MJ? Not alot.. on what they want people to think the truth is? Quite alot of spending.


Alot of people are fucking thick, believe everything they read etc don't work yourself up over things you can't change. If it really fucks you off why don't you get out there and do something? I'm sure this has been brought up many times on these forums, me I see it as an attempt to get your post count up.. (I'm probably going to cop a flaming)


Just so you know I'm not disagreeing with you, I think you are half-right, half-wrong. Alcohol is not a bad thing in moderation. Alcohol can be a great thing when over-done in the right environment also (bux nights etc.. :peace::)) but you must always remember most people are mis-informed about MJ. Don't lash out and be over-protective about it straight to them, you probably will come across as a manic, aggressive, drug addict loser. Why don't you try to politely educate them of the facts of MJ and point them in the direction of some good info, where as if whats annoying you is on tv, put on sport or music. Don't bother listening to the shit they feed you on TV.


Sorry if this is abit long winded - again - I see this thread as pointless, or atleast in the wrong section. Why bring it up? Maybe in chat or the cannibis cafe section. Sorry if this comes across as harsh, once again, i see this thread as a way of bringing up your post count.

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It might piss you off. IMO I think a lot of them are scared because they believe reefer madness. Stay cool about it, let them see you are not crazy. If you start a debate about it the cooler you stay the more impact you will have on them.


Getting angry about ignorance is not good for your health. Try to educate them slowly.


:wub: :wub: :wub: :peace: :) :)

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85% of the human race are retards, and believe what they think the masses believe. (all too scared to think for themselves in fear of being ostracised)


IF you were to use alcohol in the same levels as I for eg use weed, you'd be dead in a year...there's no debate so don't waste your breath on these kinds of fools.

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85% of the human race are retards, and believe what they think the masses believe. (all too scared to think for themselves in fear of being ostracised)


IF you were to use alcohol in the same levels as I for eg use weed, you'd be dead in a year...there's no debate so don't waste your breath on these kinds of fools.


Wrong attitude!! :peace:

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Wrong attitude!! :wub:


If you say so, but you could spend a lifetime trying to "educate" ppl, and still wouldn't get anywhere. :peace:


As much as I appreciate your positive approach, unless you can put it on TV with Bells and whistles, and sparkly signs, most ppl won't wanna hear it. And for me that's like beating your head against a wall.


Though by all means keep preachin it cant hurt. :)

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For the record I was not trying to increase my post count by starting this thread. I do not see the point in this as having a higher post count does not make you a better person than someone with a low post count. I merely wanted to express my opinion and read about other people's thoughts and/or experiences on the matter.


I apologise for the harsh sounding tone of my original post, I probably should have put more thought into it.


I have absolutely nothing against alcohol or drinkers as I enjoy the occasional drink myself. Having said that, I do not drink anywhere near as much as I used to which is definitely a good thing (used to binge drink)


I just don't like the way excessive alcohol consumption is considered normal and even causing fights and other trouble is excusable because you're intoxicated. On the other hand if you enjoy weed and mind your own business you are still thought of as an idiot or just less of a person. Basically I just wish people would be more understanding of weed and stoners.


Hopefully this made some sort of sence as I am not the most articulate dude around and debating wasn't my forte back in high school. If I have crossed the line or offended anybody by starting this thread feel free to close it.


Cheers :peace:

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