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cleaning used medium

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orite i got some perlite/clayballs and about 14liters of coco in this tub.. any thoughts on how to re-use it? thinking to tip it all in the bath and try and separate the perlite from the clayballs get somekinda siff get all the roots out also.. and then the perlite and coco.. there isent too much coco tho.. and im just not too sure on on what to do after that do you just keep rinsing it for ages until its clean or do you soak it with something. or just plain water.. then left the mediums dry right out.. rise again before use..


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Some people would re-use media but considering how cheap it is and the potential for disease issues later on I've never really understood it. You could just remove as much root material as possible, rinse the living bejeezus out of it and perhaps run something like cannazym to try and break down what roots will be left but really it's a lot of effort for not much gain.


You could continually disinfect the system with something like oxyplus or pythoff but again, this is a treatment not a cure, and you could still end up with issues from dead and decaying plant material.

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Some people would re-use media but considering how cheap it is and the potential for disease issues later on I've never really understood it. You could just remove as much root material as possible, rinse the living bejeezus out of it and perhaps run something like cannazym to try and break down what roots will be left but really it's a lot of effort for not much gain.


You could continually disinfect the system with something like oxyplus or pythoff but again, this is a treatment not a cure, and you could still end up with issues from dead and decaying plant material.


hhhhhrrrmmm :scratchin: yer ok skywalker.. might just throw it out i think seems like alot of trouble.. cheers :thumbsup:

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I wouldn't call hydroton cheap but to each there own...


You are going to have a real mess on your hands separating that mess but it can done - but if that's all the medium you have to clean then I wouldn't bother. If you had kilos and kilos of the stuff then I would give it a spin


I recycle my hydroton but I run it straight without perlite etc

I just tip all mine in a cement mixer with holes drilled in it and hose it until it looks clean - never had a drama with disease etc


Jimbo :scratchin:

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