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Plants wilting and yellowing a little at the middle and bottom of the

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I though it sounded like a good idea, however wont the extractor fans just suck the c02 streight back out as fast as it is produced? i think i will give it a try, see if it works out, ye i dont the test and its fine in fact maybe i could move it a lil closer but dont wanna stress em too much, annoying having a 3 foot ak and the the rest 18 inch super skunks,


I have also set up my timer to go off for 45 mins every 6 hours, so to let the room cool down just as the room is getting its hottest, im hoping all im doing is helping in some way.


Just potting up the next rotation now aswell, plan to have a harvest once a month, going for smaller plants in higher number, and am now using a mix of perlite and coco, shud prevent any overwatering, which i think is contributing to the current symptoms.


So where you from radic? and what grow you got goin at the moment?

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i know pawwy, i mean its not like i havent done this before, grown in higher temperatures, foliar fed under hid lights, got the ph way off in fact not even ph'd with no problems at all, very confusing to me, however maybe its got something to do with the super skunks as they are the only ones with symptoms, well the ak has got one wierd looking top site twisting all over the place but other than that is bushy healthy and growing rapidly that one is from seed bout 6 weeks old, the rest are third gen cuttings. Maybe the ss has picked up a disease of illness in its 9 months of life.
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wont the extractor fans just suck the c02 streight back out as fast as it is produced?

the pro way is connect the extractor fans to a verable thermostat switch and let it run auto

you can buy it all off the shelf

or use timers and guestamate the time at the hotest part of the cycle <---not very efficient but effective



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