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This is Why you don't keep male plants

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everyone who has polenated their plants knows why they keep males a long long long way away from their females, but for the newbies and the ignorant here's a pic that simply demonstrates why.


simple background on this situation...


I had a small plant no bigger than a foot tall i germinated in early summer and kept it in a pot far too long for it to develop (since my yard has enough plants in it already) When i topped it, I made a clone of the plant and that too stayed in a pot to grow no bigger than a foot.


After gender showed i moved my male plant to another location and then decided to plant my two 1 foot babies close to the male specifically to be polinated, time went on and the plants started to develop some tiny cute little swollen buds, I expected maybe 20 seeds to come from this.. So when i uprooted them and hung them to dry, I was sitting down for 5 minutes squeezing out seed after seed from buds no bigger than a blob of blue-tac! what's amazing is that for such TINY little plants... I ended up with 120 viable seeds! (plus some dud seeds)


i'l mention it again that these buds were miniscule. have a look at this picture to see what i mean, the buds in this pic would barely touch 2 grams on the scales



now imagine if one male was next to some 8 foot goliath with over 20 buds...the ratio of seeds would be the same, you would probably end up with 5-10,000 seeds!


amazing IMO

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Heya astro. When I'm growing outdoors I select the male I want, cull the rest and repot the male to about 25-50 meters away . I then strip all but 3 or so branches too cut down the amount off pollen in the air and use when I want. JUst a matter of labeling and dusting your chosen mother plants/buds. I find unwanted contamination from the male pretty much non existant.


LIke you say though all it takes is one male right in your patch or an easily unseen hermie and Oh Ooll Spagettio!


Cheers lol



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I guess my point is that if you think in your heads that "oh it's alright i'll move it in the corner" and expect an odd seed or two in each bud, then you'll be kicking yourself later



Anyyway i have no clue what those mini plants were either, i'm gona try the bud and see if it good or not, if it's good well i have 120 reasons to smile ;)


although 120 plants might be a problem in a small yard lol

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how are we able to tell the difference of dud seeds and those which can grow..? sorry just curious



its usually the darker seeds with nice black spots on them.. the 1s that usually arnt viable are very light in colour, almost white or cream..it usually indicates the seed is immature..so go for the nice dark coloured mottled 1s..


also..some1 else put a thread on seeds in here ,just let me find it..

it has pics of what is most likely to be male and female seeds..the guy that put it up wasnt sure if it was correct but i have been following the method for a while now and havnt had a single male pop up, only ladies so id have to say it APPEARS to be correct....:)

anyway the thread is in the "general cultivation Q&A, growing techniques" section of this forum. the thread is called" sexing seeds method 1, trash or treasure" its just near the top of the 3rd page...

i can say this method has been a treasure for me so far... maybe im just lucky but its definatley worth a go...

hope that helps... cheers :)

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