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Magistrate urges Government to relax cannabis laws (SA)

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Magistrate urges Government to relax cannabis laws


AN ADELAIDE magistrate has re-ignited calls for the State Government to relax cannabis laws for people in chronic pain, saying "they are not criminals".


Mt Barker magistrate Clynt Johansen wants the Government to consider changes to the law so those who might benefit from "medical marijuana" could access it without fear of prosecution.


Cannabis and cannabis products are prohibited in SA under the Controlled Substances Act (1984).


Mr Johansen says he sees about 25 cases a year in which people in chronic pain have fallen foul of the law because they have turned to illicit drugs for relief.


"In my view, they are people that need some help," he tells saweekend magazine today.


"They are not criminals.


"But because of the law, they are deemed to be criminals."


Mr Johansen says he is against recreational drug use and accepts that cannabis has proven risks and can be a gateway drug.


"But where you've got someone facing imminent death, through cancer, through any other type of illness or severe ongoing pain-management issues, I say forget the science," he says.


"Give them the pain relief they need."


Last year, Mr Johansen convicted Balhannah man Colin Lindner, 60, without penalty for growing cannabis he used to treat chronic fibromyalgia.


He urged MPs to review the laws around the use of cannabis for medical reasons.


Then attorney-general Michael Atkinson said the Rann Government would not consider relaxing the laws.


"Once the breach was opened up for so-called medicinal cannabis, it will just lead to cannabis for everyone," Mr Atkinson said.


Health Minister John Hill and Attorney-General John Rau did not respond for comment this week.


Mr Hill's spokeswoman issued a statement from Drug & Alcohol Services SA chief Keith Evans, who said any move to legalise cannabis "would have to seriously consider the evidence of an association between cannabis use and range of health conditions, including mental illness".



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"But where you've got someone facing imminent death, through cancer, through any other type of illness or severe ongoing pain-management issues, I say forget the science," he says.

Its unfortunate how few people know that the science is on our side, the gateway theory has been openly disproved for over a decade if not longer, yet its still one of the main talking points in australia, theres just no real awareness here, the media doesn't report on the latest science that disproves all the BS that people regurgitate. Mental Illness? hmmm, right, its pretty much stemming all the way back to the propaganda of the 1930s. "Marihuana will make you Craaaazy and you'll rape and kill people like the blacks and mexicans do when they smoke it!"


Also people are still spouting the whole lung/brain/organ damage BS, its been shown time and time again in studies that cannabis is non-toxic and even has a slight protective effect, as for cancer, THC and CBD mitigates the effects of carcinogens, unlike tobacco. and this is all proven science! people just dont want to hear it, they only want to hear things that support their opinions.



"Once the breach was opened up for so-called medicinal cannabis, it will just lead to cannabis for everyone," Mr Atkinson said.

"we wont help people in pain, or even sympathize with them, because that may lead to cannabis being openly accepted, we cant have that!"

sigh... i yearn for the day that politician and officials actually do whats right for society, and not whats gonna keep them in office or keep their superiors happy.


If australians dont make a push for cannabis soon i fear the laws will only regress. fortunately with legalization on the ballot in california come november, we can possibly look forward to some open debate, ESPECIALLY if it passes! :bongon:

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There is a related article about this case, and fibromyalgia here :




It's a long article but have a read....our forum friend FibroFeend and I suffer from this condition, and I'm sure

there's more of us here on the boards...put your hands up guys ( if u can!)


Great to see the judiciary in SA have some compassion and progressive thinking for treatments.


Good luck all.

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I enjoy your well articulated response to this rubbish crunchy.


"Once the breach was opened up for so-called medicinal cannabis, it will just lead to cannabis for everyone," Mr Atkinson said.


This line in particular which i have read many times the same or very similar with regards to anything to do with medical cannabis in AUS makes me quite angry!


The BREACH? for SO CALLED ? medical cannabis, i know i have said this before but the whole medical recreational debate is just so inert to me, but this asshole is basically saying , well fuck you if your in pain and dieing and cannabis is the only thing that works for you! What ever happened to compassion? empathy?


I used to not wish my condition or any other condition for that matter on anyone, but C#N*TS like this i hope one day they are made to SUFFER.


EDIT: just read the full article, pretty good, although did anyone else notice the small adds by google down the bottom??

links to the GOVT anti drug info page "Marijuana What a Waste!", fucken BS, i see this sometimes too with the NCPIC, they have links next to pro cannabis or articles that are not ANTI cannabis. FUCKERS


Edited by Fibrofeend
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Yes , and thanx for posting the article ... and great reply Crunchy 'n' others ;) much appreciated input.

The sentiment rings very true and I have little else to add onto that.


I DID notice the Poll there also ...


*Legal for Med.

*Legal but regulated like 'Baccy and Alchomahol.


Notice once again the results of the Poll ... roughly 85% for the Legal (all up) ... how many Polls do we need?? ... How much 'Science' ??... how much debate?? ...

Surely the Jury is well out on this one , all the way home and smokin' up on the 'protective' effects :P


Unfortunately 'All Those Whom Oppose" are a very vocal minority (go figure) ... and they have cluttered up the comments section with well constructed fear and propoganda :P

Yet , if they felt so strongly then they WILL vote in the Polls ... and let's just check those results again shall we? ;)


As for the Article initself ... I'm happy to hear of it and props to the judge for at least having half a mind to be more mindful ... lol

It must be recognized that it is NOT JUST in any logical form to then discriminate between the most Severe and Extreme Illnesses and the somewhat 'Benign' Illnesses ... "Chronic" Illness no matter what ; is an Issue ... as it's a Long Term Detriment to ones health. :x

Even disregarding the fact that many people who self medicate don't actually Go to the 'Doctors' ... and aside from the fact that many self-medicate don't Need to go to the doctors for their toxic remedies ...

In COURT ... everyone should be treated the same in regards to 'medicinal' use of a 'drug' ... for just a quick shitty analogy ... someone on Opiates for Spinal pain and someone on Opiates for a Toothache certainly suffer way different spectrums of Pain , Time and Space ... yet , They Both can be supplied an Legal amount of Opiates to help remediate their conditions. Yes? :toke:


Of Course ... A Tooth can be removed and that sort of pain can be totally relieved ... removing the Spine is much more expensive , and quite a hassle :peace: not to even mention , quite inefficient ...

In all seriousness though ... at the pinnacle of the moments , both form of pain has equal rights in the justice system of medicates when applicable. Both can be extremely harsh.

So yeh , a toothache can go away , a Spine shouldn't and won't ... what about other ailments ... ?

Not sure how harsh Glaucoma is , maybe arthritis get's really painful too ... maybe Excema or something like that is just as irritating , what about Ear , Nose and Throat disorders ... Headaches/Migraines , Tueretts (spl) , Anxiety , Depression , OCD ... etc etc etc , and ofc the list goes on and on , where is it fair to draw the line?? ...


Never in even a fleeting thought would I ever hope to de-emphasize the most severe terminal/chronic diseases ... but nor could I think it right to seperate the severe over the less 'urgent' ailments that effect so many when it comes to responsible self-medication with a safe and natural substance.

And I think this should always be taken into consideration in the fight for personal choice and Free Will , (Liberty and/or Freedom) ... (lol) ...

Other than that , if there was a vote tomorrow for "Nothing" or "Medicinal Use for the 'upper echelon' of people Suffering" ... then ofc I would vote the positive. I just worry that the laws for the 'regular person' might get worse with such a regime (like growing Opium is highly illegal ... but it can be 'prescribed' according to the System) ...

There are less obvious and diagnosable ailments that deserve an equal amount of consideration. :peace:

Anyhoo , I'm quite tired and a little 'tipsy' ... plz excuse me if I made too many 'syntax errors' :)

Cheerz ... to your health :peace:


Budman :toke:

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I think we can all agree that these people that make claims like that, deserve to become a victim of their own statements.

I hope Mr Atkins becomes terminally ill someday, and is denied access to Cannabis by the same laws he and everyone else supported.


Some people believe that Politicians are already using Cannabis for their own benefits in private, they just don't think "the common slaves" are entitled to it or so they put it.

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The system will have to relax the drug laws on Cannabis for the chronically ill and elderly. We have not only an aging population, we also have a kaput health system nationally - which will only get worse. To alleviate this, will require the decriminalising of self-administration with Cannabis and the cultivation of Cannabis (by patients or by compassion-clubs). Just a question of time. The reality is one out of three of us will die of cancer - often in pain. How long can the indifference and lack of empathy continue?
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Then attorney-general Michael Atkinson said the Rann Government would not consider relaxing the laws.


"Once the breach was opened up for so-called medicinal cannabis, it will just lead to cannabis for everyone," Mr Atkinson said.


Why do we all just let the government get away with the simple one liners like this, they always say the same things but there is never a fight against it no one is saying things like. Morphine is legal for medical use aswell as thousands of perscription medications. Its time to take up a CIVIL ACTION case.

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