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Forums claiming horrible pot withdrawal / addiction

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How easy is it to pass the buck, and not take responsibility for our own actions...


With out this "cop out" they would have to look in the mirror, and say "you fail, you tard, now do something about it".


I've done it, and not once have I ever blamed a substance for my problem...not to say the substance was not a large contributing factor..but I TOOK IT, so I AM TO BLAME, NOT THE SUBSTANCE.


These kinds of ppl need a slap, and told to grow up and be an adult.


This is just feeding the propaganda war certain organisations use to prohibit free thinking, because freethinking humans are less profitable.

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This does seem a bit over exaggerated...


For a few months last year I quit smoking weed mainly because I was starting to feel like shit when I wasn't stoned, as well as getting my life into order (Just finished highschool, was jobless at the time and I figured most of the jobs I would be applying for would require me to pass a drug test of sorts.)


I used to combine tobacco with my marijuana and I contributed the... I guess withdrawal to the fact I wasn't stoned, but then realised it was the tobacco.


I ended up getting a job starting smoking again (though I vowed to never spin my buds again) and I was a contributing member to society.


Since being made redundant from my job, I stopped smoking incase another job required a drug test, but as soon as I find one me and my love M.J. will reunite in smokey matrimony.


As far as I'm concerned withdrawal from weed is bullshit apart from boredom trying to find stuff to do while you weren't stoned and sleeping trouble (the latter I have suffered from years and after countless medications I found buds were the best medicine.) Though 'spinning' weed is a different story, as you have to deal with the nicotine withdrawal, most of my friends who stopped smoking bud just started smoking cigarettes and they didn't get any withdrawals.

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Many of them refer to the years they smoke pot, as not to years they smoked by choice, but years they were "addicted". They call themselves in "recovery". They use all the language lingo used from withdrawal from serious drugs like heroin.


What gets me is people blame ANY AND EVERY problem they have ever experienced in life on pot.


As for Heroin withdrawal I never thought it was really difficult and the blamers give it all a bad name, sure it can be harder if you have underlying depression, health, self esteem or a corrupting social circle.

The drug withdrawals physical symptoms, discomfort and depression I find lift in just over a week, no big deal, other issues I find are the tricky bit.


It is unfortunate too, that society encourages people to beg, grovel and act the blame game to seek a perceived "treatment" and playing the part can get you methadone or other substitutes and possibly give you better timing to quit if your lucky.


The only substance I have ever seen cause genuine withdrawal difficulties is benzos and alcohol and even then it is nothing that anyone can help you with directly if you suitably educate prepare and plan, a relative quitting benzos described having a seizure as one of the most frightening things in his life when he went cold turkey and then having to take a maintenance doses and slowly cut that down over a period of months, when he really wanted it all to be over as quick as possible.

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As far as MJ keeping him out of the gym, I'd say he was just a lazy ass. Whenever I want to be really disciplined

about working out, to trim down, and build some muscle mass, the first thing I have to do is make sure I have plenty

of MJ on hand. It keeps me very disciplined and focused. These wanks that blame MJ on their problems in life are just

losers who can't get a grip on their life. If MJ wasn't around they would be 'hooked' and blaming something else.


There will always be a small minority of people, who have mental issues, psychological issues, personality traits etc

that just should not use MJ or any other substance because of this. They are 'dependant' because of their very nature.


They are not losers because they have mental/psycho problems, they are losers because they blame things outside

of themselves, take the easy way out instead of some self examination, or having a bit of self awareness. And for as

long as they continue to blame external events etc, for the way they are, they won't have a hope of normalcy in their



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