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Horribly inaccurate info about Marijuana from Oz

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Believe it or not - and most of you won't - the biased stupidity of the website given is matched by the manic hysteria of the anti-tobacco zealots.

How many epidemiological studies linking tobacco smoking to any illness? None.

Emphysema isn't caused by smoking. It is caused by genetics and this has been known for years.

In the western world smoking rates are decreasing whilst cancer rates are increasing. But it isn't the Benzene from motor car exhaust (when they took out lead they added benzene) or the benzene from diesel exhaust. (An idling diesel truck produces more benzene in one minute than a smoker can dream of producing in a lifetime.) No, it is the benzene from tobacco!

Tobacco is radioactive! And so is the mass farmed food you eat (particularly green leaf vegetables) because they use the same fertilisers as they do for tobacco.

Tobacco smoke contains arsenic! And if you have to spend time in a reasonably well ventilated room with a cigarette smoker, after the smoker has smoked 165 000 cigarettes you'll have had to deal with about as much arsenic as you get out of a large glass of tap water.

Kids without pubes in the Campbelltown Valley have chronic lung conditions, but it isn't because the airborne filth from Sydney settles in the Campbelltown Valley, no, no, no - it is because of smokers!

All the anti-tobacco stuff is based on statistics: 65% of Gotham City residents drink lemonade on a regular (mostly daily) basis. If 75% of Gotham City hospital patients regularly drink lemonade than lemonade is bad for you. If only 50% of hospital patients drink lemonade, then it is good for you!

Don't ask them where they live, what sorts of employment they have, what their family medical history is like. Never ever ask them about their diet! Just concentrate on one thing to the exclusion of all else: cannabis, tobacco cigarettes or lemonade.

Make it up as you go along. Extrapolate from statistics. Magnify one off instances. Etc, etc, etc.


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