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Medical Marijuana and ADHD " Attention-deficit hyperactivity diso



Hi I am the truth and I am 21 years of age and strongly believe in medical marijuana and why people with adhd should be getting percribed it in this country.


these are the facts in writing http://davidbearmanmd.com/docs/ADHD&En...inoidSystem.pdf


now that is to be opened using adobe reader or some thing simular


this is the facts in a seminar now there are 3 parts to this





Need we show any more evidence is obserd I have adhd and suffer from this I can learn and be able to get so many better results from tests that show what he is saying works and i believe its time australia speaks out about this.

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I too have ADHD and feel the benefits from Cannabis, though i wouldnt say it would work for everyone, because not everyone with ADHD experiences it the same, and not everyone reacts to cannabis the same


I must say you are right its not for every one but people with adhd i think can benifort alot and depends on what else you have who you are are factors but if doctors could percribe it medically i think it would be the right thing for australia

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Hey, i guess this reply is a few months behind but if you're still interested here's my say.


I am a uni student 18-21 who "suffers" from ADD (i mean, technically its all called ADHD now, but i'm not hyperactive).


When it comes to uni work, theres no way cannabis would help me. in my opinion cannabis+learning (ie academia) doesnt work. Instead i take ritalin which aids me in that department.


However, sometimes the thoughts in my brain are racing so fast its hard to think of nothing and fall asleep*. Not to mention when i'm taking ritalin, then my sleep can get really screwed. Cannabis helps with this, it soothes my thoughts, makes me happy, and eases me into a nice comfortable sleep in which i have kickass dreams ^_^.


Cannabis will also allow me to sit through that long movie i wanna watch without getting up every 5 mins, and also to read that book i wanna read, and also enjoy them in a different light. And im not talking about getting stoned and tripping here, im talking about just a light dusting to get my high.


* Honestly that has to be the worst part about ADD/ADHD. You know how sometimes when you've had no exercise you have too much energy to fall asleep? Well this is like no matter how tired you are, if your brain is still on a roll there's nothing you can do. Sleep tablets just make you feel shit the next day.

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