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What are these little bastards

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You need to get rid of those fuckers quick smart, pyrethrum as mentiond or make your own pest control sray at home - put a cup of vegtable oil in a jar then put in 2 table spoons of dishwashing liquid in the jar. Put the lid on shake shit out of it, once it's mixed get a spray bottle, put in 3 table spoons of the mixture and just under a litre of water in a spray bottle. Mix it up and spray it on the leaves top and bottom. The little bug fuckers will be dead in a few hours, repeat twice every 4 days and you'll be set. Organic, no residue in your plants, cheap as fuck and you can make it at home.





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Dont worry that leaf was an exceptionally bad case, there are only a few leaves here and there and they only usally have a few on them. I went around squishing as many as a i could and sprayed them with some organic spray my mum gave me. Hopefully that does the trick, any good recipes that I could use to make my own organic spray??
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organic sprays, the one I gave you earlier will work very well, or go and pick a kg of lantana leaves get an old pot and simmer them for 15 mins in a litre of water. Let cool and strain, spray on plants top and bottom of leaves.


Another one, grow your own tabacco. Harvest 60gr of leaves let it soak overnight, strain off the liquid and spray on leaves top and bottom.


Both sprays are poisonous to people and animals rinse out the bottles and don't use the pot you boiled the lantana in for cooking food.


You can also grow and make your own pyrethurm spays but I am sick of typing :wallbash:





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