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does anyone know what these

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g'day all, having a lil problem in my clone room, i made a seprate room for my outdoor cuttings and now as i thought have something kinda bug from the garden, dont really know what this is but it seems to be spreading over my plant i tryed cutting the leaves off but it just kept comming back.. not to sure how to get rid of it if anyone could help me out would be appreciated :D


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mm , problem like that i just make a luke warm yates success mixture up ... tip the plant upside down and soak the lot under water for as long as i can stand it .. usually 10 mins .. :D .. seems to kill off most things .. don't soak the pot . just the plant and stem ..


as for what it is ? ..mmm


ev :D

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cheers for the help. got some yates rogor insecticide contains dimethdate.. its 2 years over its used bydate but i found the stuff around the house and might give them a spray with it... ive taken out the plant where you can see it on there, gonna spray all my other clones to be sure to kill everything just dunno the rato to use it dosent say on the bottle, dont think i can turn my plants upside down alll the medium will fall out.. thinking i will spray em just gotta work out the rato to use
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Dont use the insecticide it stays in the plant and you'll end up smoking some chronic that will kill you, it'll be very

carcinergetic shit so dont use any insecticide, make a home brew out of hot peppers, garlic, chilli powdwer, pinch of tobbaco(just a tad) and a couple of drops of dish washing liquid, strain it....Then spray all over and under the affected plants,,keep an eye on your plant and keep using stuff till bugs or pests piss off.....best of luck buddy.



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Dont use the insecticide it stays in the plant and you'll end up smoking some chronic that will kill you, it'll be very

carcinergetic shit so dont use any insecticide, make a home brew out of hot peppers, garlic, chilli powdwer, pinch of tobbaco(just a tad) and a couple of drops of dish washing liquid, strain it....Then spray all over and under the affected plants,,keep an eye on your plant and keep using stuff till bugs or pests piss off.....best of luck buddy.





But if u make ya own dont buy all that stuff from the supermarket or it will probably have the same shit on it u were gona spray ur plants with lmfao

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