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house & garden nutrients looking for willing test subjects!

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hey sounds like some people are upset they didn't receive roots and other stuff but you were all sent something right?

not trying to sound like a dick but try getting some samples out of canna all you get is a two page essay on why they don't give out samples as there products are amazing so they don't have to give you any.

have been using the cell enhancer for a while looks very healthy and a much quicker growth rate also i am getting massive perspiration after i use it from the leaves water is dripping out of them?

rep from h&g told me cell enhancer is derived from a special seed with added silicas

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A quick summary of results...


Does promote large healthy growth during veg, huge shade leaves, perhaps slightly further between internodes though.


Does Not equal better bud growth, achieved a good weight from both test grows but there was definitely a higher ratio of leaf to bud than the same strains flowered without it.

Wouldn't recommend using it for cannabis and it seems that may have been the general consensus as they have not released it on the market.



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