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Help! Plants in serious trouble

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Hello everyone,

well I have a serious problem on my hands and i'm not sure how to solve it!! . I currently have 8 sativas in the ground, they are planted on top of a hill in rich brown soil on top of a clay base. This clay base has been perfect over summer to help hold water for the plants but thanks to the constant rainfall over the past four weeks the soil has not drained properly and my plants look almost dead. Very droopy with brown leaves, a massive case of overwatering by mother nature!!


The soil on the site is still very wet, almost mud..... Can anyone offer any advice/ solutions to dry out the soil..... I really don't want my girls to die :punk:

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  TheHeadCing said:
I like to be able to tell you some miracle solution but honestly cant think of a practical way to solve your problem.

Pray to Huey for a hot week...


basically thats all you could do...except if you wanted to dig your plants out and pot em up with some dry potting mix, they might not like transplating but its gotta be better than sitting in the mud hey....

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I am of course assuming that being sativa's they are fairly large?

If so digging them up wouldn't really be possible without extensive root damage, and if they are flowering this will impact yield badly (if not kill them outright).

I thought about a desiccant to draw some water out of your soil but the sheer volumes involved would make that impractical as well.

I think a dry spell and a pinch of luck are your only hope at this point.


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too wet eh


the problem is lack of oxygen supply to the roots

dont panic

there is a simple solution

add some H2O2 to the soil asap

mixed with water at 1000:1


dig channels round the plant to drain the water away

try not to disturb the roots zone too much


spray with high K spray for shock

like liquid kelp

if she looks a bit faded

spray her with some worm juice mixed at 100:1


she will recover

please take some pix if you can

as she recovers

irey guidance

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Radics trench idea is a good move. Also the kelp and wormwines.


You could maybe consider a zyme product to eat away any sick roots too. Perhaps a wetters, like saturaid to get better penetration.


Next year some deep tilled gypsum in the plot praps. Best of luck.

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