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adjust ec reading

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hi all this might be a stuiped ques but how do you adjust your ec reading ..

i was looking into h & g shooting powder and it says to adjust ec value to 1.2

has any body tried this shooting powder before it says 1 sachet per 100 litres. i hand water 15 liters at 1 watering so how much would i add to 15 litres i dont know how much is in each sachet..

cherrs aussiegrow.................

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Mix up your nutes as usual (maybe a touch weaker) then slowly add diluted powder till ya e.c hits 1.2


Going by their recommended dosage it;s 15% of the sachet but that's just a guide.


I not used it so my advice just on how to apply it i;m sure others who have used it can offer some better advice.




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hi all this might be a stuiped ques but how do you adjust your ec reading ..

i was looking into h & g shooting powder and it says to adjust ec value to 1.2

has any body tried this shooting powder before it says 1 sachet per 100 litres. i hand water 15 liters at 1 watering so how much would i add to 15 litres i dont know how much is in each sachet..

cherrs aussiegrow.................


OK mate, I been using their whole range for a while and here is my method for small amounts.


To mix up your base nutes it takes about 1.5ml/L of A+B to hit 1.2 (remember it will read higher due to the background salts in tapwater), I like to dilute A+B separately when mixing in small volumes to avoid nutrient drop out.

Once you have your premixed nutes (mine would read about 1.5 at this stage due to my tapwater) check the pH, it should be pretty close as H&G nutes buffer pretty well but it may need a tweak), I use about 1ml of pH down per 10 litres to bring mine into the good range.

Now you are ready for shooting powder, I use a set of jewelers scales (yeah I know dodgy having them in the grow room) to weigh out the powder to a hundredth of a gram.

Basically a sachet is 65g, so you want 0.65g/L in the first week of use then 1.3g/L in the second and third.

I only use it for two weeks now, one at half strength then one at full, I then let them feed out for a week before flush, mostly because coco holds so much nutrient that flush can take 2+ weeks.



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