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why is this miracle (cannabis) illegal

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can you see a pattern .

( or maybe cannabis has turned me into a paranoid scitzo )


cotton a less superior fibre then hemp . with a lot less uses . Ruins the soil were it grows and does terrible things to the water in surrounding creeks and rivers . without an abundance of chemicals will not grow very well .


hemp used for thousands of years with many uses outnumbering cotton . grows well without the use of chemicals or

herbicides leaves the soil in better condition then before it was planted and has no negative effect on the land or water surrounding it .


CHEMICAL companies supply billions of dollars worth of dangerous cancer causing substances to cotton farmers

year after year . do they have friends in power ?


pharmicutical companies supply billions of dollars worth of drugs, some with more debilatating side effects then the disease ,

they're used for some they dont know there effects some that make your hair fall out and so on .


Cannabis with its many medicinal uses and no proven side effects has been used for 5000 years that we no of and is pretty

cost effective .


oil companies make countless billions of dollars and create war between countries . has many uses none of which do our

planet any good . infact we have proven again and again the damaging effects it has on our planet that we can not fix

in our time .


even paper is a billion dollar industry . millions of acres of trees chopped down yearly some that have taken hundreds of

years to grow now gone forever along with all the fury little animals that now have lost there habitats . all for a product

that will deteriate in 50 to 100 years pretty useless product for recoding our history .


it just goes on and on we are destroying our planet for a dollar and making criminals of those who want to preserve it .


i smoke a ciggarette knowing it will kill me

i drink and no it will change who i am

i smoke a reefer and i relax knowing we will one day win this battle .

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sorry about the spelling folks I've worked hard as farmer shearer and builder all my life and spelling never put food on my table .



Spelllin ain't much at the end of the day , most people on the internet use short hand type language anyways ":P" lmfao ect ect


I have edited your thread title just to fix it up :P


welcome to the forums

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greetnz malbuzz


i am dislexic and da badest spella too



i see the light of your reasoningz bro

we in the so called developed world have got it all wrong

totally backward

why is the rest of the world so eager to blindly follow??????

thanx and praize for permaculture, bio regionalism, bio dynamics, organic and hippies

forward ever

free cannabis

free people

freee land

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The miracle is illegal because it's not profit worthy, if you join the Australian Hemp Party (search it)

and get as many people in your area as you can to join, you will be helping to make a difference.


Getting the majority of the population to side with Hemp will ensure legalisation, if politicians ignore demand from the fourth and most important body of the goverment, then they risk plummeting in favor.

If they continue to refuse to listen to the people, then their opponents will step up and promise to legalise Cannabis if they get elected, which is all it's about, making it so that Legalising Cannabis does less harm to them than keeping it illegal.

It's sad to say, but Pharmaceutical companies are more like the fictional Umbrella corporation than you think, they have no obligation to medical ethics, all they want is something to make them more money, a product they can have the exclusive rights to patent produce and sell.


Remember Marinol? (Synthetic THC) i welcome it appearing on the market, because it still gets people high, and people are going to want to buy it for the high, Pharm being a corporation will of course want to sell to as many people as possible to make Money, but then it will cause a conumdrum, Politicians will want to ban the sale of Marinol because it gets people high and has THC which is "unsafe" because it's in Cannabis and being high is unsafe, then the Pharm companies will push back with the "This isn't what we agreed upon, we want Cannabis illegal but not what we make"

so basically the law and the pharm industry will be at eachothers throats and while this is going on, Ordinary people who see this happening will start to get wise to whats going on.

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good info .i have realy wanted to to be part of the hemp battle for 15 years since i hurt my back shearing . it has always been the only way i could get a good nights sleep . there once was an anti inflametry that helped but they took it off the market . apparently people were having heartattacks and dying from it . (vioxx if i recall )

ill be off now to join the hemp party .

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:P People Power can do anything! Even stoners have a voice and right to vote!


Here's a protest idea, after Mardi Gras in Nimbin this year, everyone go to the Queensland / New South Wales borders, and close them with people on the road. A peaceful protest to save the earth from mans self destruction - Get the message of the benefits to the mass media. Not just to smoke it but focus on ALL the other benefits... Get the word to the world. :P

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Good on you!

but please just remember these few things, you gotta fill your details by printing out that form and sending it to the hemp embassy, you'll get a call from the Australian Electoral Commission asking you to confirm your membership, just say you have joined and are a member and that's it.


500 people is what they need to be a registered legit party.

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