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flowers dying -leaves thinning & crinkling

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Hey Radic,thx for another reply,soaked affected plants overnight without flooding,

gave the rest a soaking today,You noticed leaf curling upwards in todays pic yeah?

funny thing happened today i was in a hardware store checking out range of ferts before i went to hydro shop

& ran into the bloke who owns ECO products???,he pointed me straight to eco-aminogro after i told him what was going on

he also told me to mix with c-weed which they did not have in stock but will after him & myself insisted they stock it.

he was very informative claiming people loved the product & swore by it.

if its better than potash you got me cause thats been my favourite element for the last 15years

Thx again Radic for your advice hope to chat again,stay cool man---chrz MC

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Hey Radic,me again,would you apply seaweed to soil at this stage or strictly foliar???

cut out alot from bottoms up 2day,will lose entire plants also

cannot buy eco-carb or c-weed in my area,can buy liquid seaweed though,

got some maxicrop seaweed concentrate seem to have best analysis N 4.6 P1.20 K 3.10

others had N as high as 10, most had no analysis

do you know if i can mix eco-aminogro with maxicrop?

feel like giving myself a hard uppercut for letting this happen,

can we send private messages on this forum???---chrz MC

Edited by MUDCRAB
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