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Help! Seedling close to death...

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Can anyone tell me whats wrong with this plant? And what i can do to save it?


Tis over a month an a half old but has not grown in the last month...it has only started to die.






Its outside most of the time unless there is some bad weather. Dont think im over or under watering.


i dunno what im doing so any help would be much appreciated.





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your poor baby is so sad

she may not survive

is gonna take a lota TLC to save her

decision time

trash her and start again

that would be ezer


the hard way

intensive care

we will help


looks like a nutrient supply problem

first thing to do is to start folia feeding asap

to buy you time to fix the root problem


could be insects, nematodes or root rot

she is suffering shock too

when a plant is in shock it can use all its available K in less than 1hr

Kelp is very high in potassium K

i feel a high K spray will help her

buy a bottle of liquid Kelp seaweed

it will have a folia spray recommendation printed pon the label

follow those directions

for seedlings, it is usually recommend to mix at 1/2 strength


spray some worm juice too

the microbes will help bring her vitality back

and supply the needed nutrients to bypass the roots feeble supply

what is your potting mix?????????

you might need to repot into more comfie soil

if you cant find and fix the root problem

activated charcoal will soak up any toxicity in the pot

have a look around for some microbial fertilizers

they are a bit of a hassle cause they are alive you hafe brew them for 24hrs before application

but the right microbes will help you the most

irey guidance

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OK this little plant is nearly dead.


Best bet IMO is to leave it outside in lots of sunlight and stop moving it around.


The plant needs to know where the sun is coming from so that it can respond accordingly.


The potting mix it is in also looks too depleated and really just needs good solid dirt that holds the moisture.


Good luck. :wacko:

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OK this little plant is nearly dead.


Best bet IMO is to leave it outside in lots of sunlight and stop moving it around.


The plant needs to know where the sun is coming from so that it can respond accordingly.


The potting mix it is in also looks too depleated and really just needs good solid dirt that holds the moisture.


Good luck. :wacko:


"OK this little plant is nearly dead"

haha hence the name of the thread!


ok, just to make the point clear. Its been outside 99% of the time in the same spot. I dont move them around at all really except if a thunderstorm is brewing (2 or 3 times so far)...so it knows "where the sun is coming from".




i suspect its the mix its in that is causing problems too. I just used potting mix that we had lying around. Just stuff you buy from the supermarket i think. Might have to invest in something better next time i grow.

Have been watering ever 2 days on average (when the top cm or so dries out) unless it dries out quicker during a hot day, so i dont think im over or under watering.

Havent given any nutes as i thought it hurts the plant when they're still this small.


I dunno... I dont think im gonna go outta my way to fix this. If it makes it, good. If it doesnt, no worries.


Someone mentioned scrapping and starting again. Wouldnt it be too late to start again? I though it was too late when i started this one let alone starting another one now. I dunno.


cheers for your input



Edited by tippsy25
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How about we use a little sanity here people .Rip it out man and start again . I mean seriously :wacko:


I have tortured a lot of plants in my time but none as much as what this poor plant looks to have gone through. :)


Being a serial plant killer, I totally agree with Ratty.

Put the poor thing out of it's misery and try again. It might pay to do some reading on soils and soil compositions on site so the next attempt has a fighting chance. :doh:


Best of luck with it all.

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