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SH*T my plants are almost dead

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My Ak99 and Big Bud growing in cocopeat/perlite with hydro nutes under CF's in a cab are looking close to dead :P


The leaves are all curling over and looking brown or yellowing and some of the tips have litlte red bugs I think are spider mites... What should I do?


Should I take a clone or 2 and kill the plants?

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Guest GrowMad

Leaves yellowing or browning?? sounds like they're lacking some nutes?? Maybe flush them, it could be a nute lockout..


If your plants are still in veg I've found a product called 'Clensel' which I got from a local nursery worked really well against red spidermites. I just mixed up the marked concentration in a spray bottle and sprayed tops and bottoms of all leaves until it 'drips' from the leaves... Under fluros this stuff didn't burn the leaves..


I applied this for three days in a row and it got rid of a lot of the spidermites... Also had to scrub down the cupboard too with bleach to rid it of any lurking mites...


If the mite problem isn't too bad I would try and use something like 'Clensel' or a pyrethrum spray to remedy the problem as best u can rather than killing them.


If the plants are budding, I wouldn't use any pesticides on them tho...


Have u got any pics of the plants mate??

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Guest Field_of_Light
Hey man,,,if they are mites the best stuff Ive seen is mite rid...from your hydro shop.....and I agree with growmad perhaps try flushing majorly....even if you do this it still might take a few days for them to pick up...as they have been majorly stressed....
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I cannot comment on the nutriet-part of your possible problem here but I can offer some advice on the little sap-suckers..... (mites)


I am an outdoor grower, pretty shitty at it so far but am learning quick bro. I am in Australia like most but not all of us here at Ozstoners and I went into Mitre 10 on the 25 of this month as I saw a few 'shouldn't bloody be here' type critters so I picked a leaf and headed in to see a close grower friend at Mitre 10 and showed him the little critters (discretely). He recommended a product called Wettable Sulphur -fungicide/miticide by a manufacturer called Manutec.


The little black, tick-looking things were attached and looked like they were sucking the life out of one branch on one of my babies. :angry: Well, not any more, they were gone by the next afternoon.


RIP for ya babies though bro. :'( This stuff was $9.25 for a 400gm bottle which, depending on the strenght you use, can make 75-185L of usable product, so it does go far.


See attached pic all.


I hope this helps some because although it is not a natural remedy like Pyrethrum, (I think i got that right) which I haven't used, :P it did do the job. Swift justice to parasites! Good luck in future and keep us posted bro.


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