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Cloning just before harvest?

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Also keep in mind your fucking with the genetics of the plant, bushy your talking about rev egging I think.


Revegged and clones taken in the mid to late stages of flower lose their potency and I personally think grow slower, while bushier.


The extra time it takes to reveg the clone, it could have had roots and been verging for weeks if you take it before flowering the mum. I am with rev on this, take clonesnin veg. A bit of training and you can get a plant just as bushy.

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Revegged and clones taken in the mid to late stages of flower lose their potency and I personally think grow slower, while bushier.

That's not correct, revegged plants and clones are two different forms .... once a clone sets roots it becomes a totally new plant in it's own right, same genetics as the mother, same as if you grew it from a seed.

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huh ??? i am aware that revegged plants and clones are different... I am also aware that a clone is a plant in it's own right, just a replica of the mother. Which means that if the cutting is taken from the plant as it is winding down ready to die off / finish reproducing it has altered it's own internal makeup to allow this process. Reverting back is never 100% as the chemical balances are pretty unstable when going through such a large change. It is kind of like the plant forgets exactly what it was like.


What i am saying here is that revegged plants AND clones taken in flower will take a while to revert, they will lose potency, and they will in essence exactly the same rate as a properly trained clone / plant in reguards to tops and bushiness.


However it is not the same as if it was grown from seed. The mother has gone through it's reproductive cycle as is essentially getting read to shut down. Altering its growth type to finish flowering/reproducing.


I am not looking to get into an argument over something like me being lazy and not fully explaining myself, so here is what my post means in a nutshell


"take clones during veg, you wont have to wait for them to revert ebfore starting to grow. If you take a clone at 21 days you have already lost upto 14 days worth of veg on your clone. Then the fact it has to revert could mean you lose over a months worth of veg time... Taking clones during flower isn't logical, you will have to spend so much extra time vegging... If you take clones before flowering they should be ready to flower by the time your other crop is ready to harvest"

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