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one part nutrients?

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hey guys im having a few problems with my plants and thinking it could be my nutes!

im using a one part type i was talked into to this by my hydro guy(the same one that told me i dont need a ph or ec pen)

hence he is no longer my hydro guy lol


but yeah i figure they dont make em two part just to be more difficult im guessing it works better

can anybody enlighten me on this subject please :D


and can anyone suggest a good nutrient to use hand watered 100% perlite hydro

cheeeers budgie :blink:

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They make them in 2 parts because the chemicals once mixed start to react together and over time will become pretty much useless. In the short time it takes you to use them from when you mix them this isn't a problem and nor is it a problem in single part nutes so long as they are fresh. Problem is from the time they are mixed in single part nutes by the manufacturer to the time you use them they have been stored by the maker until they are shipped often to a wholesaler then to the hydro shops, then they sit on the shelf in the hydro shop untill they are sold to you. This may have taken a long time and by the time you get them the chemicals have reacted rendering them pretty much usless.


Peace MongyMan

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Well we learn somthin new every day, i dident know that mongy when it cane to one part nutes.


For my last grow i used a 1 part nute for veg green dream, used on the advice of bufo as he use it all the time and hasent faulted it as yet and in the one time i have used it, it seemed to me to do as well as a 2 part nute, maybe my next grow will be the teller as i will give it another run i have over 1/2 a bottle left and i like to use everything up before i buy more unles it is shit...

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thanks for the reply guys :blink: yep that makes a lot of sense mongy, would explain my problem

only anoying thing is ive got over two litres left. im pretty sure he mixes it from powder in his shop

but then its shelfed and its been on my shelf for 9 months so far!!


might get some two part today and have a look



cheers budgie

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i like hy-gens single part nutes, cornicopia.


i use it as a foliar feed and food for mums and clones, in coco use the single part coco blend for me i get the wa water and kelp added mix un named goes off faster because of the kelp without kelp lasts longer but you can by the kelp seperate but same issue a green fungi grows in it in heat .


The owner of this company was a hort and nute mixing teacher at a local uni a friend put me onto and then later came out with Hydro generation line after budlink took off.


sure it doesnt last in high temps but there are buffers in there and why its milky, silica cant be added to specially single part ferts so by sepperatly

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