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my plant wont grow...

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ok so i think its a bit late in the season to be getting a plant or 2 out there...but i thought ild give it a wack just to see if i can pull it off... i found some potting mix in the shed and my mate gave me some seeds apparantly there WW fem's that he didnt want as hes got a good amount of seeds. so i germinated the seed and put it in this potting mix i found, i put it in a 2min noodle contained and poked a couple holes in the bottom for drainage and stuck it outside... 9 days later i had first leaves, im up to day 18 and i have my second set of leaves, there i guess what you call "true leaves" as the first ones were round and dodgy looking (i was slightly concerned) but its gotten to the point where the circle ones are about to drop off i was told this is when the plant should start to take off??? is that right??


im concerned this plant isnt going to go anywhere at all....ive found some seedbanks online and have ordered some lowryder seeds for my backyard, didnt want a 8ft high bush with the neighbours going ....mmm :blink: hello mrs bud tree... and me sitting there going lol dum dum dum....i think its a ficus....:D (walk off)


so any thoughts would be great, ive seen that people post alot on these kinds of things so i thought ild try it.






HI IM TRACE, your garden jumping pigme ive come to steal your clothes

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Not to late to start atall but alot of sun and clones would help full sun is a must this late . They would be nice little 3 to 5 foot chrissy trees.



sounds like dodgy soil mix too small a pot so the soil is warm, at 18 day you should be able to see a root ball or a good root system if so plant away in a 10litre + size pot of FREsh soil blend for seedlings if plant is under 10cm over and maby 30cm go fully grown plant mix added seasol, blood and bone works well in pots.


Basicly do the same in a hole if its going in the ground, id be popping more seed.


good luck

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ok i did a little investigation...i looked on the bottom of the container and theres little white hairs which i assume are roots. so i tipped it upside down and it came out, however the plant roots werent everywhere there was like 4 down the sides and 2 poking out the bottom, i stuck it back in the container its in and intend to use the blood and bone mix with some sort of potting mix, and swap it into something bigger for more room...i found some natural insect repellant and growth formula in the cupboard in the garage so i gave it a spray said it was all natural STANK LIKE GARLIC...

cant really do much more till i can get to the shops...transporting this stuff on the bus will be interesting.


Does bunnings deliver???




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the roots coming from the bottom are your tap roots, they seek out water, how much water are you giving them per day?? are you hand watering?? are you using a hose (highly NOT suggested) what is this natural insect repellant your using??? guitash has a good outdoor bug spray, all natural search on the forum for guitash or in the outdoor section...


http://cannabis.community.forums.ozstoners...showtopic=27391 thats guitash's natural remidy try it...go to a hydro store and grab some outdoor feed, seasol and get some pictures up after you do the transplant.


good luck.


UKA lol




....see i can be nice MM....:blink:

Edited by UnknownArtizt
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Too late for this year. You've missed the bus. Sorry :thumbsup:


IMHO you may end up with a sorry, weedy little thing with a tiny bud on it and that's about all. In Oz, plant your seeds between 21 September and about mid November for best chances.


For planting, consider this; save your toilet roll tubes and your plastic meat trays. Each meat tray can hold about a dozen or so tubes. Blow the budget with good potting soil with organic manure or compost in it. Works like a charm.



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