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Queensland Police Service and the absence of RDT

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Wow , pretty convincing Poll figures there eh? (being from the GCB I'd imagine there was a good chunk of votes cast).

I'm not sure that "short-sighted" is the best way to phrase it but I think fantom makes a good point.

If the Police started getting tested , then Pollies , let's say ALL public servants ... then how long until it is mandatory everywhere for everyone nationwide?

Something to ponder :yahoo:


However , The Police ARE in a major position of "power" that can be easily abused and misused and any vested interest in drugs could lead to corruption and many other problems. And of course the main thing is probably ; that being under the influence in such an important job , as it often is ... a job where judgment is key in so many areas ... could have drastic outcomes. Best the Police have a clear head while anywhere near being "on Duty" ... or maybe Always? (It's difficult to draw the line).


I think I'd vote YES too ... but I'm not sure how much of that would be out of spite and how much would be common sense :)

To make the situation fair ... then Yes cops should be at least randomly tested as they do It to the public and think it's acceptable .. that's where the majority of Hypocracy on this issue.

The Big problem with drug-testing anyone is that it detracts from the supposed 'right' we all have to be considered Innocent until proven guilty ... It's basically assuming (or worse , guessing) guilt first and with a light and a bleep or a whizz in a cup etc ... trying to confirm/disprove it. They call it "preventative" and sure maybe a small percent of the time that's true ... but if It wasn't considered an invasion of privacy (to almost everyone) then surely the coppers would be happy to oblidge? :toke:

Nuthin' to hide right?


Does anyone know if they are tested in other states? I don't think they are but , not sure on that.


Also the point about certain coppers taking a much lighter approach toward drug users than they could is a good one , this indeed does happen here and there ... I think these are the sort of coppers most people want , not to be harsh about victimless crimes and concentrating on actual serious stuff.

I'm by no way supportive of the police in general because of the way many of us are treated ... but it is true they are "just doing their job" and following "the Law" the majority of the time ... I'm sure a hell of alot of cautions would be given more often if they could for small petty issues ... but then , that could lead to alot of corruption also ... It's very tricky.


Well , My brain has melted ... so I'll leave it there for now ...

Cheerz all ... and stay safe :sick


Budman ;)


Holy shit , whipper SNipper started out the back and I almost had a heart Attack! :)

(Agghhh! , the RDT van has come to take me away ;) ) heheh

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