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Adavnced Nutes promotes House and Garden

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I thought you peeps may find this interesting. Advanced Nutrients has been taking a hammering of late. Sunlight Supplies AKA National Garden Wholesale has told shops in the US that they will stop supplying them ballasts and other goods if they stock Advanced Nutrients. Sunlight Supply have major power in the US and could easily bankrupt stores by ceasing to supply them so Advanced Nutrients is in a bit of strife. Seems a lot of US hydroponic industry people have had a gutsful of Advanced Nutrients and their mj specific advertising which endangers stores, storeowners and their customers in the US. Now Big Mike from AN has released this (I can't help thinking its to cover his own arse because he's being outted as a BS artist on IC Mag. BTW - I use House and Garden at the moment and I love the line. Far better value for money then CANNA, far more concentrated and better performance. So Big Mike and me are on the same page.... Shame I think AN nutrients are average but we can't agree on everything. MR




You should be using my competitors product.


Use This Product Instead Of Advanced Nutrients


Hey - I realize this probably sounds crazy. But I want you to use

a competitors product instead of one of my own products.


This is not some publicity stunt, nor is Advanced Nutrients going

to be distributing this product. It's just straight up the right thing

to do.


Watch it here:

Use This Product Instead Of Advanced Nutrients



In the video I explain in great detail why I'm doing this. In fact

when our research showed that one of our competitors had a

better product and it was going to take us awhile to play "catch-up"

so to speak. There was only one thing to do, and this is it.


Watch Me Recommend It:

Use This Product Instead Of Advanced Nutrients


Enjoy ;-)



P.S. No I haven't lost my mind I really do want you to go out

and purchase my competitors product. Because in life I've come

to realize, that doing the right thing isn't always the easiest thing.

Edited by mull-ray
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Hehe, anyone willing to bet they already have a new product on the way?

but of course they wont release it until it's "the best" :)


I've been using H&G's root excel for a while, good product, on the expensive side but you get value for your $$'s





:) 1000th post :)


I haven't tried it but will now lol Something tells me Big Mike is working the angles.

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