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Cool MJ situation in my suburb

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While it sucks that marijuana is illegal, I am starting to think: maybe it doesn't as long as neither myself or anyone I care about gets busted!


In my suburb of Taperoo South Australia- its everywhere!


Hey I was in a lazy mood, and I was not sure the best section to dump this, feel free to move it.


I smoke pot (a lot), my housemate smokes pot lightly a couple of times per week. The people over our back fence smoke pot (we often go around there, they have a pool and we get wasted muck around, loud music etc). I know of at least 3 people that sell pot in this neighborhood, and I've only been here six months. One guy less than 100 meters away seems to be ALWAYS available within 30 seconds of ringing the doorbell to sell you a bag of pot at the front gate. Doesn't need to know you, just ask for pot. People always walking there, he's apparently been doing it for 10 years and I have never known him to be out and the transaction has always taken less than 30 seconds. The $25 bags are small, but good bud and a good smoke. Its more like buying snack food at the servo, you pay for the convenience. Its as easy for me to go and get a bag, as it is to walk to the deli 100 meters away to get an iced coffee. We have a lot of impoverished teenagers around here, and the sort of people that smoke pot but there doesn't seem to be many meth heads here, which is great. Its a pot neighborhood. I've lived in methamphetamine neighborhoods and they SUCK.


I just started my grow which I will post about, its an amateur outdoor grow, but I am trying to get the basics right and get about 20 plants going.


Life is good. I'd love to hear about what the marijuana situation is like around other peoples neighborhoods. I have got really social recently. A year ago it was HARD for me to get pot, would often take 3-5 days to arrange. Now the biggest problem is money, though I rarely go long without a smoke.

Edited by cybergenesis
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nice one mate :bongon:

i didnt know places like that existed in oz :xcited:

not much to say about my neighborhood, only moved here 3 weeks ago, a stoner mate of mine lives two streets up, chill at his with his heat gun vape every now and then, and we always try to hook each other up when we can.

Ur neighborhood sounds cozy man, all the best to you :xcited:




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Interesting. Maybe it's coz I don't like getting in to that whole scene. But where I live (somewhere in Victoria :xcited:) there's a lot of smokers but the dealers are scumbags. Truly, they don't give a shit. High school kids get the best weed and it just gets shitter from then on. Mostly that is. I've had REALLY good weed occasionally, from mates who are really hooked up, but mostly it's dudes who are like "man this shit is SOO good" and I smoke it and it tastes like pure chemicals and has the shittiest paranoiac high ever.


LMAO flatcat, that's so funny. Where was this hole? I'm not talking geographically, but like was it at his house, public toilet or something? :bongon:

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i want to live in your little community, where i live its all 2 storey houses n shit, people can see right in your backyard n vice versa, so no backyard plants...i dont think the people here really smoke, there all like business class types, i reckon the few kids i see 16-mid 20's would be smoking, im pritty sure the 3 blokes who live next door do cause all you can see is them dutch ovening there back patio and then giggles n shit.


wish there were more communities like the one you live in mate.


good place

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