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Psoriasis Effect on the Quality of Life:



When i signed in today there was a topic on the homepage:


"Psoriasis Effect on the Quality of Life:

Psoriasis is a disease whose main symptom is gray or silvery flaky patches on the skin which are red and inflamed underneath. In the United States, it affects 2 to 2.6 percent of the population, or between 5.8 and 7.5 million people. Commonly affected areas include the scalp, elbows, knees, arms, stomach and back. Psoriasis is autoimmune in origin, and is not contagious. Around a quarter of people with psoriasis also suffer from psoriatic arthritis, which is similar to rheumatoid arthritis in its effects. Psoriasis was first given that name in complete differentiation from other skin conditions by the Austrian dermatologist Ferdinand von Hebra in 1841, although there are what are believed to be descriptions of the disease in sources going back to ancient Roman and possibly even biblical times."


the topic even had a reply...


.... no matter how and where i search i now cannot find the topic again, and i SO wanted to reply, so i'll reply anyway!


my reply:


I assume this post was put here because those of us who suffer with psoriasis, have noticed than when we are high as a kite with good old Mary Jane, the effects of LIVING WITH the psoriasis are lessened considerably....


Although the lesions themselves are not necessarily effected, the TORTUROUS ITCHING, and VARIOUS mental states created from having scales of feral - looking, leprosy - like, itchy and sore patches all over one's skin (eg: anxiety, depression, anti - socialism, low self - esteem, lack of self - worth...) become BEARABLE when stoned.


(*Footnote: a "normal" IMMUNE system works to fight FOREIGN cells.... AUTO immune disorders are as if the immune systems is working backwards, and fights IT'S OWN cells.*)


Psoriasis lesions (called "plaques" in Plaque Psoriasis - the scaly red one) of the skin are only an exterior symptom of the auto immune bullshit that is going on inside our scaly - skinned bodies.

Not always, but these lesions can also be a symptom of the much more debilitating, psoriatic arthritis.

The pain and discomfort that are associated with ANY arthritis can be releived by the consumption of marijuana; the chronic pains associated with psoriatic arthritis are no different.


Marijuana consumption helps immensely in the reduction of both mental and physical symptoms and effects of psoriasis!

(As mj is not available in prescription pill form (Marinol) here in Australia, I can only attest to smoking as the best way to consume...)

(A lesser but still important note: hemp oil is SAID to be quite an effective topical treatment available for soothing and reduction of psoriasis lesions! I also have not tried this so cannot say how useful it may be for this use).


I, personally, am a prover of this point...

I have suffered with psoriasis for almost 20 years, and have in the last 10, suffered with the chronic pain from psoriatic arthritis as well as horrendous coverings of the "plaques".

For at least 15 of those years, i sported horrid large patches of bright angry red scales, covering between 30 - 50 % of my body at any one time. Even when there are almost no lesions on my skin, I scratch uncontrollably till my skin is red raw and bleeding (it's a bit ocd of me...). I suffer bouts of depression and anxiety, due to feeling ugly and diseased, mostly. I have moments (months?!) of anti social behaviours and am happy to totally withdraw from the world at these times.

I have tried many remedies, treatments, creams, cures, pills, drinks and diets to releive the psoriasis that haunts and tortures me constantly. Most of these have had little or no releiving effect on the psoriatic lesions, nor on my mental state.


The smoking of a few bongs per night (or day :faint:) most definately improves the quality of my life, by allowing me to control my itching, and my emotions; the pain in my joints and muscles is bearable, and I am able to socialise and function within society normally. Depression doesn't overwhelm me when I am high.


I fully and highly recommend mj use for reduction of physical pain, as well as the calming of mental states for all psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis sufferers.





I'd be interested to know how many (if any) other sufferers have observations.. please reply and let me know...


we can be stoned and not itchy together!!

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Sun and salt are definitely the 2 best things, If I surf every day I never have a problem. Diet and exercise plays a huge part too, any good source of omega 3 (hempseed oil) will prove effective. Smoking pot does help a lot with how comfortable you feel and vaping might be a good idea for people who get it fairly severe as smoking anything is said to aggrevate it.
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Agreed , I might grab some of that next time I can spare a few dollars also (haven't seen it there actually , but there's a whole lotta stuff to look at in the good Old Embassy) ;)


Thanx heaps for clarifying that Radic ... there is indeed a large difference between Hemp Oil and Hash Oil.

"FUll Plant Oil" as I described it was just how I remembered it from the film ... as I thought he used the whole plant? ... as opposed to just Potent Budz? (i'll have to have another watch myself as It's been many months).

I understand that the THC is a desired element of it for healing but so are the many other elements ... or It's at least suspected that this is the case?

And Omega 3's as P. Mindset mentioned certainly would play a part also ... which the low THC Hemp Oils still provide much of ofc.


And ;) , If I had some Hash Oil , somehow I doubt I'd be mixing it into my soap ;) heheheh


Um , I'm a bit scatterbrained atm but I think i made sense :) heheh


I kinda thought the Tincture may not be good to use topically on ones skin ... coz of the alcohol , but what you said about "dry" healing makes sense and I'm sure It's definatly worth a try. I could probably go about organizing some to try but I just won't until it becomes more widely available as I'd feel I was taking away from people who have serious serious health issues. (not that my own are a walk in the park ofc).


I do know a few people that are helped by this medicine in varying ways ... As of yet though I'm yet to hear the results for treating skin problems. I have little doubt that in some form or another , Cannabis will have medical benefits for many more ailments than is currently accepted (by most) ;) And I hope It doesn't take a lifetime to get the Research done and this important medicine back to the people where it once belonged.


This is a good discussion and I hope to hear more about it.


Just to finish up for now ... I said I'd get the name of the Soap I currently use incase anyone wanted to try it ... ya never know ... It's "Yogi Soap" by Bio-Veda (Hand Made in India) ... Can't find a current Link to the Byron Bay Distributor but should be fairly easy to find in Healthfood stores depending on your location.

QUick rundown on the box suggest It's 100% natural Ingredients: Cold-pressed Coconut Oil , Virgin Neem seed Oil (1%) , Hydnocarpus Wightiana (1%) , Lye , Pure Essential Oils of Krishna Tulsi (Indian Sacred Basil) , vetivert , Sugandha Mantri , Palarosa , Ylang-Ylang , Patcholi , Orange , Geranium and Galangal.

No Synthetic Colour or Perfume Used.


But rest assured , It smells great :) (imho) , very Silky texture , for a vegetable oil soap it lathers better than any other (on par with the most commercial lathering soaps) , lasts well , and quite Mild (says , can be used on face and on babies) , yet seemingly quite effective. In Fact , I'd recommend this soap to anyone regardless of skin conditions.


O.k. Then , had to do that Coz I said I would ... and because of all the expensive natural (and synthetic) soaps I've tried ... I can say that this Is the best I've found. Again , My skin problems are only slight comparitevely but ya never know , someone else may find some relief with this soap as I have and that would only be a good thing. ;)


Bye for now ... and Cheerz :yahoo:


Budman :sick

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Yogi Soap" by Bio-Veda (Hand Made in India)
gotta love dat

Ayurvedic soap rulez

yes in India they do make lotsa different grades of high thc Ayurvedic soap

for certain skin conditions for certain body types

of course they cannot be imported because of the THC content


hemp soap is made from hemp seed oil

it contains practically no THC or at most homeopathic doses

hemp seed oil does contain all the 0mega3s and is a skin nutrient

ideal base for high THC Psoriasis ointment


you need the THC eg for the antibiotics, pain killer and skin and mussel relaxant qualities

there is probly more like oxygenation of the blood ect


so mix 1g hash oil with 30mil of hemp seed oil and some bees wax for texture about 20% by volume

thats it

high thc cannabis ointmentfor Psoriasis

simple eh!!!!!!!

now hear dis

if you are allergic to bee stings you may have a negative reaction to bees wax too

so dont bother with adding the bees wax

just use the healing oil mix of 1g hash oil to 3omil hemp seed oil


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Your posts are always insightful and a pleasure to read ... thanx again man. ;)

India has known what it's doing medicinally for a long time and it doesn't suprise me that they would have THC in many of their ayurvedic treatments ... including soaps.

Very Interesting and I'll look more into it when I get the time.


I was just thinking ... If anyone has any links to do with Cannabis Vs. Skin Conditions , this topic would be as good a place as any to post them. Please do.


I've searched before and probably have a few links myself ... a quick search and I found this ...

cannabis-in-helping-to-alleviate-allergic-skin-disease ... I couldn't access the entire study (as usual) ...


A crappy extract is available here tho ... along with many other Cannabanoid studies that sound very interesting ...


Actually the first link seems to sum it up better.


Want-Nice-Skin-Then-Smoke-Cannabis ... Another decent article ...


In 2006, Ramesh Ganju at the Harvard Cancer Center in Boston, Massachusetts, US, showed that immune T cells involved in marking foreign particles in the body and trigger allergy, turned 70 % less sensitive to cytokine messaged when sunk in a synthetic THC solution.


"Zimmer's findings provide further evidence that endocannabinoids probably have a role in autoimmune diseases", said Ganju.


"People with inflammatory conditions such as asthma and eczema might not produce enough endocannabinoids or related cell receptors. One day therapies based on THC-like compounds might be used to treat such disorders," said Zimmer.

Still, the researchers do not point to smoking marijuana for autoimmune disease patients, due to its side-effects.

SKin Allergies and Auto-Immune Skin diseases are different things ofc , but it all seems to relate.

As far as I've learned , these skin conditions like Excema and Psoriasis are still to this day very poorly understood. I've heard from well versed sources that they consider them Auto-Immune diseases but have little idea what may cause them.


As I eluded to ... if anyone has any info on the subject they would like to share here ... that would be appreciated I'm sure. Thankyou. :sick


Cheerz all ... here's to your health :toke:


Budman :)

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It's not hemp or cannabis but I've found the best thing for many skin complaints is good quality calendula cream.


Sunspirit ( made in byron bay!) is a great brand.


If it has lavender in it also it's even better. Health food shops are a good source for these creams, try a few different

types to find the best one for you. Calendula is magic stuff for bites, stings, burns etc.


I have fibromyalgia and get some weird lil skin things at times, fibro also causes a hyper attraction for mozzies in many patients. If I get one mozzie bite, there will be 120 more just like it all over my body in matter of no time, they just love me! I scratch all day and night and scar badly if I don't get the calendula on to them as soon as I find them....it clears up little scabs, burns etc in no time.


Good quality calendula creams will also rid a bubba of nappy rash virtually overnight.


Good luck everyone, calendula is awesome ! ( i know it's not cannabis but relief is relief whatever the cause!)




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True Morgz,

Thanx for the reminder , I've been meaning to get some of that good stuff again myself. lol

(I had a natural gel extract of it but was too sticky , rigid in consistency)

Calendula is meant to have all sorts of great healing qualities ... I remember being told once how it has been shown to heal beyond the skin also ... like mending broken bones , tendons and ligaments etc ...

(I used it for tendon damage at the time but couldn't say specifically how well it worked)

Was close to 10 years ago I heard about that ... Worth attention I'd say.

And with Cannabis right there in the spotlight again for these modern times (finally) ... Hopefully the majority of the "civilized' world can once again realize that not all medicines need to come in tablet form from a man in a white coat. lol


Hopefully ALL 'timeless natural medicines' will start to come under closer scrutiny also. In a good way.

(I'm not even going to mention Codex Alimentarius , cripes! lol )


Enough from me , I'm on my way ...

Cheerz :wacko:


Budman :)

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