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Beans from PNG

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fuck before we started exporting pot overseas most of the shit was shipped in from PNG, and PNG has some pretty decent shit even for organic.



Wish they had a seedbank with traditional native strains... like the ones from Jamaica, PNG, Thailand, and Afghanistan.


problem is, they have all been bastardised by the seedbanks trying to make them stronger.



People forget that sometimes its not just about the strength its about the actual quality, taste, and uniqueness of the plant.


PNG has some really old strains.... some of them havent changed for a very long time.





Only seeds I want to find are Marc Emerys ABC weed seeds, aka mongy weed, which is actually a stable cross of a hops plant with a marijuana plant through grafting a non polypoid plant. But there is no way ill see that in my lifetime.



All the best of luck dude~!

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frazz I read it on CC if it's not true then please elaborate im all ears.


Mark Emery Called it Australian Bastard Cannabis, or dizzy weed... stop making such a big deal.... who cares fact is I want those beans because they are a collectors item.


calm down dude.


Plus heres a link to a sensi seeds forum talking about how it came from a hops plant.



Dunno if its true but thats what im going on





One thing that does confuse me is that some websites say it's a polypoid the others say its a non polypoid.


sure is one weird plant to say the least.

Edited by crank
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