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Beans from PNG

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You might even want to keep a couple for next season if they're good... they might surprise you, then you can find out what it's hit is like with your indoor & grow some monsters outdoor... Hope it goes well for ya! :doh:




Too right MUD. Will def. save a few for the great outdoors next season. Gonna have to go way, way into the bush for these ones.

Just looking at your avatar - ikaw Pinoy??? :faint: :peace:

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You could start the plants on 12/12. I tried that once with nevilles haze f2s and it worked fine. they still ended up at about 3 ft.


I doubt you would have much variation if you made seeds. They are unlikely to be hybrids so wouldn't be strictly f2s. Does anyone know if cannabis is native to PNG? I kind of doubt it but the plants may have been growing in the area for generations. You are lucky having those. Hope they turn out.



If they've become land race PNG sativa strain, why would an indica cross create low variation? To me if it's a nice stable pure sativa from PNG, an indica cross would be the ants pants for genetic diversity.

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I still do the occasional proud C - walk when stoned and able, quite a site to behold apparently ( I'm not as nimble as I used to be :doh: )



:faint: :peace:

Don't age catch up hey cuz?

I'm also a sight doing the C-walk...(I walk with a limp now from gaol)

A lot of "my family" (the ones still living) are doing 18 to life in various maxo units around NSW. I can't visit them either which is fucked... but I guess that's the life we live. :D

Take care cuz & peace to your crew... :D



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If they've become land race PNG sativa strain,


Arrrrgggggggggggggghhhhhhhh :xcited: :xcited: :peace: :peace: :xcited: :bongon:


A landrace is an uncultivated, naturally occurring species. Introduced plants may well naturalise to a new habitat, but they can never 'become land race'. The inherent contradiction makes the idea an oxymoron.

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Arrrrgggggggggggggghhhhhhhh :) :peace: :nea: :thumbsup: :) :wallbash:


A landrace is an uncultivated, naturally occurring species. Introduced plants may well naturalise to a new habitat, but they can never 'become land race'. The inherent contradiction makes the idea an oxymoron.


Sorry I can't agree with that, for starters i wasn't thinking along the lines of a recent (last 60 or so years) introduction to 'become' land race, although there seems to be enough information out there to promote humans can create landrace not just through an uncultivated means, but it often comes down to what we all accept as a definition.


I was replying to the 'is cannabis native to PNG' throwing in a 'become' landrace as a point of thought in that if cannabis originated generally from one dot on the earth and then spread, the spread of and away from the first point would allow for landrace to form over time. I don't know specifically the point of origin for cannabis, i'm led to believe china was where the genetics first evolved, yet who's to know all we do is document what we find.


If it doesn't fit in with your view of landrace, then i'll reword it for the person and suggest that if it appears to be a pure sativa that has been around for a huge amount of time in PNG in which it may have been brought down from a more central asian point of origin to form what is now a distintive cannabis from PNG, i'd suggest the best option for a hybrid seed breeding project would be with a pure opposite indica, that is where you will find the best chance of diversity.




I'd be interested to hear your take on naturalisation, landrace and specifically time in relation to i.e. keeping in mind humans have more than likely been the spread of cannabis around the globe for tens/hundreds of thousand years ago, and we recognize landrace from all corners of the globe, what's your distinction between naturalisation and landrace.

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