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Wood Ash

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TTBOMK ash is good as a soil improver _for soil with specific needs_. Ash is also good as a general additive in small/medium amounts.


Would I take shitloads of it and throw it in for no good reason? Unlikely. If doing so would I also expect to throw other shit in to balance things out? more likely.


As part of a general 'let's keep the soil healthy' plan you can probably put a worthwhile dint in the piles.

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I'm interested in this also because from allot of searching it seams too be the only real organic source of potassium. Typical wood ash contains 0-1-3 (N-P-K) and other micro nutrients. It does raise soil ph but twice the amount is needed compared too lime. This is something too watch out for so keep an eye on your soil ph.


Looks like I better buy myself a wood stove so i can fuck the planet with even more greenhouse gasses. :faint:

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