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PLanting guerilla plot mid Jan - too late ?

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I understand they wont veg into big trees but was wondering if anyone had actually done it i was curious as to how it went for them ?

I was thinking that i would still get till late feb which is a month and a half of veg. My indoor experience tells me this is enough to get some sort of yield. I could make up numbers if yield per plant is going to be low.


Also fuck the snakes are bad around my grow i see on average 2 snakes a trip. I have nearly stood on 2 now and thats for only 4 trips!! anyone else have alot of snakes around there plot? I see it as a good thing though hopefully it keeps people away

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With indica doms you're much too late, as Crank mentioned you'll end up with a little stick of bud if lucky.


Mind you, so long as it's warm, I don't think it is ever too late to plant a sativa dom that will continue to gain height whilst flowering. I always start a couple new years day for a late harvest come June and end up with 4-6 ft of plant.

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From watching mates chuck seeds in whenever they find one it'll go one of two ways....


1. It will dwarf and and you'll get something as small as a 50 or a quarter (dry)


2. It will surprise you and you may get a half O


By the same observations i would suggest going easy with the ferts as its safer and you'll give it the best chance.


You could always do what im going to do if you have a secure spot, which is dont strip the plant completely this harvest

and let it go till next, some say it will loose THC strength by next season but people have also said that the decrease it tiny and it will still do the job nicely (im guessing its for your perso considering your timing).


If i stay straight enough and remember i'll save some in a well stored, light proof cure jar and compare it, untill then.. thats all I know.


- X3

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