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Glass Pipe first aid

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I dropped my glass pipe on the kitchen floor one time too many and it broke in half. It's a nice clean break and I'm going to have to get a new one. In the meantime does anyone know a good way of repairing it? Can you successfully use glue? If so what sort?




I have to drive to Nimbin to replace it and I haven't time now.


cheers freddie. :wallbash:

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I would say find some non toxic super glue. Technically superglue (the original stuff) is non toxic and was used in vietnam for sealing up bullet wounds and organs. Thats why it sticks your fingers together so damn fast. BUT you dont want to heat it up.


use minimal amounts. The fumes can be nasty if you burn it.


other than that I would just say electrical tape and alot of it.


also wash the damn thing thoroughly... dont want to inhale glass.

Edited by crank
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UV glass glue, that shit sticks like nothing else. Hardware stores usually have it, I've seen some at Bunnings, too (can't remember the brand, but it comes in a little red syringe). Make sure your surfaces are very clean (wipe them down with metho and let them dry), apply the glue inside, make sure you put the cap back on the syringe. Take the two sections, press them together, wipe off excess and go outside into the sunlight. The glue becomes active in direct sunlight, takes a minute or two. Make sure you turn your piece so all sides get exposure. Once it's set and you've done it right, you can drop your pipe and it will break anywhere else but where the glue is (I can't stress enough how important clean surfaces are for it to cure and stick properly).
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sorry, didn't recall immediately what it was called, you know how it is, but I just found it

and this is what it looks like, it's called Crystal Clear.

Also, by "apply the glue inside" I meant inside the house, not inside the pipe ... I know you know I meant that, just making sure ... :wallbash:

be sure it's cured properly, and the harder you press the two sides together, the better it is (please don't cut yourself). Take a cotton bud to the inside to take off any excess glue after curing. Also, I suggest not using it immediately, but letting it sit for a bit, then blowing through it first to get rid of possible fumes from curing.

I hope you find it, I made an all glass shadow box with this about 11 years ago, and it's still together.


Edited by aussie made glass
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