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What really keeps the Cannabis Illegal ? ...

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Just clearing out the "notepad" from last year ... here's another take on the same old subject :D

Dec '09 :

So what are the reasons that Cannabis still remains demonized and illegal throughout the modern world , especially within the Western cultures?

Is there a single defining reason or is it a varied combination of different factors?


As a younger thinker (and Stoner) there were always a few common theories abounding to be heard ...

Probably the most prominent of which would be the textile and oil company interests of eliminating the competion for purpose of profiteering.

The Pharmaceutical companies for the same reasons as well.

There was also the theory that taxing such a substance for use (as with Alcohol and Tobacco) would be almost impossible given that it can be grown personally , quickly and with ease.

I even heard here and there that our government had a choice in the late 70's whether or not to legalize pornography or Cannabis and they chose pornography. ( lol , not sure if there really is any truth to that or not , probably not I would guess).


But I always thought the most important of all the theories was this ...

The "leaders" and "authorities" simply did/do not want people to be able to think for themselves , open their mind and sharpen their perception as this goes totally against what is needed in order to control and brainwash the masses.

Cannabis therefore , is a threat to the ones in power that seek to control everyone else , as the effects of Cannabis tend to "lift the veil" to show things as they really are.

An open mind means open eyes and often leads to an open mouth. You cannot control free-thinking people and their thoughts will be heard eventually , one way or another.

I really do think that the PRIMARY reason of the demonization of Cannabis and It's users is because of elitist control mechanisms.

All the other solid reasons make sense as well and all play a part in the scam. But It's hard to beleive that it is purely a capitalistic device for the sake of economics and not actually a method to keep the masses ignorant of their own minds for the sake of power , domination and ultimate control of the people.


Any astute observer in this life can see the mechanisms of control in our society very easily ... and can see how well they are working so far. The blind lead the blind with seemingly no purpose other than "That's just the way it is".

IT IS NOT "the Way it is" at all ... ! It is the way it has been designed by the elitist dynasties that have controlled the world and it's people for as long as history has been written , and most likely beyond.


*Persecution of minority groups is just one popular way to keep the masses dominated ... once people submit to "the norm" and expect everyone else to do the same as them , you then have the people judging and policing their own , the people. Add in economics and the perception of "wealth" and you set even more guidelines where "keeping up with the Jones's" becomes a reflection of status. Assigning "levels" of status , or class , to people entitles them to think that there are different rights , or priveledges , for the different socio-economic levels of people. So then Everyone is forced by the "level" above them to conform to a certain status and there is the impression that life is easier (and fairer) the higher up the "class" ladder you reside at. "The Majority" of people then strive to reach the highest level that they can acheive within their means. People who do not follow this approach and follow their own path in life are then automatically considered a "minority" ... and not only that , often considered a "threat" to the "majority" who follow "norm". Not "keeping up with the Jones's" is considered lesser by the ones who do and can be looked at with contempt and accusations of dissent , laziness , stupidity and a myriad of other derogatory perceptions. This in turn can result in the said Persecution of minority groups stated at the beginning of this paragraph.*




The Hysteria created by Reefer Madness and other forms of propaganda about Cannabis was the clinching point in these "class" wars and it was also convenient to racial oppression and other forms of discrimination to be lumped in with the minority persecution tactics.

Take one person from a minority group , add Cannabis and what do you get? A criminal.

The majority who perceive themselves to be "above" such things know criminality to be something to be frowned apon and so the persecution is justified and perpetuated along with discrimination of anyone "different" , including racial profiling.

The fear of the majority that their lifestyles could be effected by the minorities "ideals" keeps the "Status Quo" in place continually and so we see the same thing happening decade after decade. The "criminal" label applied to Cannabis and the people who consume it becomes "the norm" and remains acceptable as long as it benefits (or does not detract from) the living standards of people who consider themselves the moral majority.


So to finalize ... Certainly the Economic greed of Corporate and government entities is a major factor in the criminalization of Cannabis but I think it is not the most important one. Personal Cannabis use didn't , doesn't and never would have any effect on the corporate economic interests such as the cotton and oil industries and their profits , this much is obvious.

The only thing it has an effect on is personal ideals and the perception of the ones who partake of it (and pay attention). This is the reason that I beleive it is more about the supression of individual rights and freedom , in order to facilitate the domination and oppression used by the power hungry elite to control the masses for their own personal gain (or possibly sadistic tendancies).


I would have liked to have described my thoughts on this subject a little more precisely but I think I've covered the basics. Actually I just "blurted" this text out after reading reviews of the film "We Were Soldiers" (of all things) and was inspired by the Anti-War/Pro-War rhetoric going on there in the forums to do so , for some reason.


Please feel free to add more ideas or constructive criticism ... the idea of writing something "significant" has been rumbling around in the back of my mind again lately and so I thought I'd start getting a bit more practice to see if I may have improved my sense of expression and delivery. Reading back , i'm not entirely convinced that I've improved at all. In fact , sometimes I feel like I'm "stupider" than I ever have been although that seems to defy logic as I theoretically should "know" more than I ever have at this point in time. Oh well , It doesn't hurt to have a go (owch ... hurt my finger typing "go") :)


Well , that's just some crude notes from the sidelines but the point almost remains intact ... :bang:

What do you reckon? ^_^

Maybe the "Authorities" really are just looking out for OUR Best interests?? :nea:

("Whaaat!? , MY best interests!? ... Who are YOU to say what MY best Interest is!?" - Institution : Suicidal Tendancies) lol

There is more to it all than just profits and political point scoring. That much is certain. :D


Cheerz All ... and ofc , Stay Vigilant :(


Budman :/

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glad im not the only one who thinks like you..


its most definitely because the power hungry elites want us under their power! as for the big pharma, like its been said a lot around here, they simply don't want us growing our on medicine.


i dont remember where i read this but im quite sure it was from an article on some news site online.. it said that there is i think around 120? or 200 compounds in marijuana that haven't yet been studied that may have potential medicinal benefits.


definitely was a good read budman, kudos!

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While I am not ruling out corruption and vested interests I think overall the reason pot is illegal is due to misinformation (based on ignorance and incorrect understanding of science), and the desire to impose "morality" on others. I think religion has something to do with it, with so many religious forces interacting with politics, the very idea of using a "drug" to feel "good" is viewed as outrageous by some.


I see a movement starting. It is not yet strong enough to get cannabis legalized (especially in this country) but maybe in 20-30 years if we are lucky it might be legal here. I wouldn't hold your breath though, society sucks in some ways.

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Thanx for replying,

Hopefully be able to see those links one day soon also ...


While I am not ruling out corruption and vested interests I think overall the reason pot is illegal is due to misinformation (based on ignorance and incorrect understanding of science), and the desire to impose "morality" on others. I think religion has something to do with it, with so many religious forces interacting with politics, the very idea of using a "drug" to feel "good" is viewed as outrageous by some.


I see a movement starting. It is not yet strong enough to get cannabis legalized (especially in this country) but maybe in 20-30 years if we are lucky it might be legal here. I wouldn't hold your breath though, society sucks in some ways.

Cheerz Cybergen,

I liked that alot so I quoted it ... In the first paragraph you mention that you won't rule out vested interests and corruption yet you think it's likely due to misinformation ... after the Science) closing bracket "the desire of "morality" on/over others ... Religion and politics ... then back to the fact that it is considered outrageous by some ... Could this not be due to the fact that these type of Institutions have a "vested interest". I didn't put it aswell as I'd like but you probably get the gist. :)


As for the movement starting [crass joke easily goes here] ...

There is one ... if it takes more than a few years then It just won't happen I think. 20-30 years? ... heheh , how is it going to be a good place to be at this rate ... if there IS a place to be. :)


Pharma is a big player just as they cooperate (corporate) with the Alch and drug and GP companies they would have an eagle eye on the situation of course. I do believe that they have not found a synthetic alternative to the Canna-medicine that works well ... otherwize surely they'd "close the case" on it surely .. Cha-Ching! :)


The Biggest peeve has got to be the HEMP situation in this country , the one for Fibre and Food and Fuel and other F-words probably (except for "fun" ofc) ... what stops that? ... the similarity to choofing budz?

Those cool lookin leaves that everyone already knows about except the most ignorant living fossil?

(That's the last 20 years for yah :) , most parents couldn't tell a ganja leaf from a tomato or general weed-like (lol) leaf. Well , depending on who they were ... but hell , there's TV commercials about it now so yeh ;)) ... now they know the symbol well and and if already brainwashed by reefer madness then anything associated with it could be condemned by the .... Yeh , By WHo!?


I guess the other scenario is this : Doctors and scientists say it possibly makes our minds change (go figure) , The Police should arrest people who have different minds because they changed their mind , if It's Not Alcohol or Junkfood or TV etc ... Only Pharmaceutical companies have the right to make money from selling drugs and are allowed to test them on hairless monkeys ... We can grow hemp for the Economy (i.e. War Funds Incorporated) if It's sold like todays cows milk is sold , i.e. Sell your fuckin farm and go live in the forest! ... There is no respite in a world gone mad because they didn't chill out to Marley and a Ganja Cigarette with close associates. Once Money no longer means anything again ... ?


I ramble ... Cheerz :)




oh .. did I post this yet? .. (braces for double post) ... probably meant to check what I'm posting but high on legal liquid. P.s.

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