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Greenhouse Growing

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Will get pics ASAP. Need camera.. Might give phone a go.. Greenhouse has 3 main vents, 2 in top corners, and 1 next to the door. all fairly large. Have no idea what the humidity is in there, but if I go in during heat of the day I break a sweat instantly and cant spend too long in there. On a hot day plants will grow up to 2 inches though..


Should i get a big soeapy sponge and wash the plastic? :thumbsup:


Thanx 4 the info.

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Ok so grass down.. There is a few spider mites in there. But ive got them under control. I had all the grouse down last time I grew in there but sadly that was a couple years ago and its gone feral again.. Grrr I hate weeding!


And whats this clip fan your on about? are they electric? because I cant get power down there...

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the top vents look irey

the vent near the door sux

because it is not at the top

above the door would be much better

the bottom vent needs to be kept clear

you need more bottom venting

cut the grass

just like a blind

roll the plastic up from the bottom about 500mil max

depending pon the heat of the day

and seal all the holes between the vents

so the only air sucked in comes from the bottom

the wider you open the vents the more cool air is sucked in the bottom


yes wash the plastic clean and keep it that way

hot house plastic has an outside and an inside

it should be polarized so that and light that hits it will shine tru the other side form all directions

thats why its so exe

irey guidance

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sweet you got power

gotta love dat


from your pix

in dis time

i would advise

same for you loulou

tink of oneadem rollup blinds all the way round the bottom of your greenhouse

from your toes to your knees

roll the plastic up from the bottom to about 500mil max

depending pon the heat of the day

100% seal all the holes between the top and bottom vents

so the only air sucked in comes from the bottom

the wider you open the vents the more cool air is sucked in the bottom

causing a chimney effect

this will make a big difference to your fan bill and your plants vitality

consider dis

where ever

you have increased the intensity of sunlight and still maintained adequate grow space temps

your plants will benefit big time from co2 injection


irey guidance

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No power sorry Radic. Anyway started ripping the grass up, thats a farkin mission.. And opened up all the vents. Might spray the hole greenhouse with an insecticide.. I honestly cant really be bothered fixing all the holes.. and replacing the plastic would cost too much money. I moved the benches and stuff around in there and chucked a few more seeds in, tied a few more down.. Will post up some more pics soon.
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