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The Medical Marijuana Mission - Canada

Alison Myrden


Hi Everybody.


My name is Alison and I live in Canada, just outside of Toronto, Ontario. I battle MS and and nasty pain my face 24 hours a day called Tic Douloureux. Medical Marijuana is the ONLY medicine in the WORLD that will relieve the excruciating pain I feel all day every day. I am also one of the first twenty people in Canada to have the LEGAL right to smoke, eat or drink Cannabis to replace over 32 pills a day and between 600 and 2000mg of morphine as I have for over 10 years - I am 39. Not exactly the life I dreamed about but hey , if this is what is takes to get things accomplished in this issue in Canada - than I will do it...


My story is not unlike many others, other than I am deeply involved in Media for this issue to educate people so they may understand our plight. It is my right to choose my medicine as long as I hurt no one - including myself. I was allotted the right to possess cannabis (up to 360 grams at any time) and to smoke it anywhere you smoke a cigarette in Canada. Whoopee. I STILL purchase from the black market at a cost of $1200.00 mo. What sense does this make ?? Hence, my battle continues. I need a source and I need it yesterday. My friends are dying and we need to make some changes. NOW.


FULL LEGALIZATION is the only way.


I hope you will help us to win this Battle and finally stop the War on Cannabis around the World.


Any and all support is so very much appreciated. Please pass this website on to ALL of your friends. Our Website has been everywhere and back again; Canada, Spain, all through Europe; Sweden, Australia, England, all over North America; Florida, California, New York, Korea, Singapor, Japan, India, etc. and going strong...


They ARE listening... :)


Check out our "Exemptee Pages" for our stories on our Health issues and why we choose cannabis. Another poster her Loudwayne is a great guy who also happens to be another legal user and my very dear friend. You know the old saying " a friend in need..."


Please make him feel welcome too guys. lol Also check Alison's MS page for a few laughs....

See you here. ;)


Love and a squish,

Alison Myrden

Federal Medical Marijuana Exemptee in Canada

The Medical Marijuana Mission



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Guest weekprik

This post raises a few questions,


1/ what strains do you find are the best for you??


2/ Why dont you grow your own and save BIG $$, we will help you with this.


3/really what can I do as am individual to help this cause?



welcome again and I hope we can convince you to grow your own, We will all do what we can to help.

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G'day Alison. While I agree with you that full legalisation is ultimately the only real end to all this, half your luck to ya for what you have. I too am using similar drugs and doses, with no end in sight to pot prohibition. I have to use oxycodone (1200mg) Morph. sulphate and Dilaudid (not simutaneously). I have a lot of spine and leg pain from disc disease, but I used to have a lot of trouble with a nerve/muscle disorder called Tardive Dyskonesia. It's by no means as serious as MS, but a motor neuron problem none the less.


I have to agree that you should grow your own pot. And not just for the economics of it. The Tardive Dyskonesia caused muscle spasms that where uncontrolable. I found a lot of relief in Indicas. If I smoked Sativas, it would worsen the trouble. So if you're going to continue to buy it, you're not going to be getting the full benifit that you might get if you grew your own and experimented with the different varieties out there. I found the best weed for myself for the muscle spasms was NL#5. I'd go so far as to suggest it's a good one to start your own search with if you are inclined to do so.


Anyway, whatever you choose to do, congratulations on the win and keep up the good fight.


Weakprik, we can do a lot at times, even being a single indivual. It just depends what oportunities come up really. A few years ago the NSW gov. called for submissions from the public on the medical marijuana issue. I wrote to the committee heading the research telling them the usuall tale of woe of being on insane amounts of narcotics, and had more than enough on hand any day to kill several adults, but yet I couldn't posses pot as it is dangerous. I was using Fentanyl then, a drug 40 times stronger than heroin weight for weight, and used this point in my submission. I told them if I stopped using Fentayl uddenly I would be a physical mess in withdrawal, and a huge load on the health system dealing with the fall out. If I continues with the treatment, it still costs the tax payers a fortune to procure and supply it to me, for the rest of my life. However I had smoked pot all my life, and have gone through dry periods with no such trouble of course. I just used the chance to tell them all the things we all as smokers know collectively.


I got to know the guy heading the committee to some extent, professor Wayne Hall, who was championing the debate for the use of pot medically. He let me know it was a collection of letters such as mine, all individuals, that added weight to what is changed now in NSW. Not everyone has a tale of sickness and gov. stupidity to harp about to the gov. But I thought it was an encouraging way to view what individuals can be a part of if the opportunity arises. I hope you get a chance to express your two cents worth to the gov. one day. It does feel good lol





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Guest weekprik


thanks for your input, I will try at every chance to do what I can,

Im just a bit worried that if i voice I might get looked at if ya know what i mean.

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Yep, I know what you mean alright, and that's what keeps us the underdogs. The mongrels won't consider any submissions unless you state your name and address, and can have it verified. Nasty situation.


I was lucky if you could call it that, in that I was on such powerful stuff at the time that I was incapable of growing, and had shut the lights down for a while, at the time they were calling for submissions. I don't know if I could have been so explicite about my drug history otherwise.


Just the same, no one showed up to bust me, or seemed to act suspiscous around the house in any way at all. But I know what you mean for sure.




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Hi Rob. Hi Guys.


Rob, my friend has your neuro disease so I TRULY sympathize. She, her brothers and father ALL battle this problem. Be careful, I believe it is Genetic...sure sounds so...


I have TRIED to grow my own gentlemen, but if you read my Exemptee page at our Website you will see very few strains work for me. I have the worst pain known to medicine and have tried EVERY pharmaceutical known to Canadian Natural and Synthetic Medicine. I have even gone outside of Canada for help and STILL no luck. NOTHING ever works for this pain in my face. There is no Cure and it will only get worse...That is my problem. I have tried EVERYTHING from Natural therapies on back. EVERYTHING. Marijuana was a last resort and it worked best. Silly really. I worked with kids for 17 years, in Corrections (Jail) the last ten and would have NEVER thought Pot would be my life line...


Growing my own is WHY I have a problem. I am stuck in bed every day until mid aft due to health and I can't seem to find the seeds nor the EXACT strain I need. Have heard it referred to as Wonderful Willy or Willy Wonderful. Don't know for sure. Someone told me William's Wonder could be it and if so, it is from the 80's from Holland and has been "lost" for a few years...That is probably why it is so hard for me to get a REAL strain of it. Crosses DON'T work for me. Never have. I think the one that DOES work for me is a PURE Sativa...although it is VERY confusing as Indicas are suppose to be better for pain... ;)


See my Dilemma ?? I have tried over 200 strains with my Docs and STILL very little luck if any at all. Juicey Friut is a great back up and I hear it is Indica....See ??? I have been working with Dr. Ethan Russo in the United States as he is an expert in MS, Tic Douloureux AND Marijuana. How very cool is THAT ! He is the one taking me to a BIG Conference on Marijuana outside of Ottawa, Ontario end of June 2003. I will be used as an Abstract (Medical Story) from Canada. There will be Docs and Scientists from ALL OVER THE WORLD there...so someone will be able to help me I'm sure...


Now you guys see my Problem ?? Biker's (Motorcycle Gangs) own MY strain and won't give it to me WITHOUT HUGE EXPENSE ($1200.00 CDN month), so I go on looking...


Wish me luck Guys.


Thanx for dropping by our Website. Wait until you see our Pics from June19,2003 Demonstration in Toronto, Ontario, Canada...coming soon....



See you guys at both websites. Tell the owners we are linking you guys (ozstoners.com/420Australia) this weekend....


Thanx for caring lol


Love and a squish,




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Guest weekprik
Now you guys see my Problem ?? Biker's (Motorcycle Gangs) own MY strain and won't give it to me WITHOUT HUGE EXPENSE ($1200.00 CDN month), so I go on looking...


We can give you strains that would be better anyways,

But just curious what club is it, I know quiet a few clubs so may be able to help???


Otherwise I suggest you PM stonedas on this site and ask him for advice and help, im sure he will be able to help, If not send us the link of stuff youve tried and if mine are not on it I will send you some to grow.


cheers weakprik

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Thanks for the warning about being genetic, i'll keep an eye open for the kids. It took a long time to figure out what was wrong with me. thankfully, it's very much under control at the moment. I don't even know why.


I wish there was something I could do to help, but best of luck to you Alison. I wish you well and hope you get some relief a lot lot cheaper mate.




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Hey Rob. Hey WP...


Don't give up on me YET... I have been looking for almost nine years and can't find more than one or two strains that help. They call me "Strain specific" what ever that means....


William's Wonder (??) is being helpd captive by an ex-Hell's Angel who doesn't want his strain spread around....Not even a seed/clone for a sick person. He doesn't care. He KNOWS he can get good money for it. It's all about money. We know that. I sent him to Jamaica again last year and put Air Conditoning in his house. He told me. Prick. No offence WP ;)


Anone interested in passing some seeds along...lemme know. I have tried almost every strain on your Board. No luck really. Have to look again to see which ones I HAVEN'T tried...Don't waste my money on alot of them cause they don't work anyway....Talk about Luck lol That's why they say I'm so "Special"...


Lemme know guys. Your awesome.



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Gday Alison,


that is a sad story, I wish I could come and grow you some buds mate.


Anyway, A williams wonder clone has been backcrossed by a breeder rezdog. you can get the seeds from seedsdirect, or maybe try to contact him through the overgrow forums, I'm sure noone would be cruel enough to not be sympathetic. He's changed the name to Willems Wonder.


There are many different systems that require very little maintenance and light work. But yeah, you would need alot of lights.


You make me feel quite guilty that I'm constantly smoking for no reason, when you need it so much.


anyway mate , take care....

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Guest weekprik

Sounds like a challange to the seed breeders to me,


come on anyone able to help alison with that strain,



could be good cheap advertising,

Edited by weekprik
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