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Internet filtering to target 'instruction in drug use'

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My email to Conroy.


Please Senator Conroy I ask you to reconsider the implementation of your proposed internet filter.

I believe this is a terrible form of censorship that Australian citizens will be reminded of everytime they use the internet.

Should you and your Government disregard this request, I will do all I can at the next Federal election to un-seat your Government.

Thank You for taking the time to read this email, and I do hope you find the time to reply to me in regard to this important matter. Your Government is not listening to the people who voted you into power. Again you listen to minority groups. Who do you think you are telling the population you know what is best for them. Let parents be parents, let them take responsibility for raising their chrildren.

Yours Sincerly,

my residential postcode;

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Nice one, B50.


However, let's not hang all of this on Senator Conjob. Make no mistake, it's his boss, Kevin Rudd, who is driving this bad policy. We have to make Rudd own this debacle- and if you haven't noticed, Kevvo studiously avoids public comment on the issue. He wants all public ire directed at his hatchet man, Conjob.


Rudd will be made to take ownership of this rubbish, either now... or at the ballot box.

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Infuriating to say the least ... to think that these retards in government consider themselves to have the power to even propose such things is very worrysome ...

I can't help but think of the earliest argument about this that I remember ... IF they can block and/or filter such arguably "Wrong" and "Criminal" content on the World Wide Web ... i.e. if they know of the Child pornography and active terrorist type websites ... Why don't they just deal with the particular website and the owners in question!? ... DO they know?? ... they should certainly take legal action against certain things and I doubt anyone would argue that ... Is it just easier that there should be a vast curtain pulled over the entire Web to just hope that these atrocities go away? ... :D


I would think that it is utter bullshit ... and they don't actually know of specific problems (or else they'd act?) ... next best thing to actually making a difference in the community is to APPEAR to be making a difference (Drug war anyone?) ...

So to shut-up those idiotic dogmatic dinosaurs who think that it is the governments problem to control what their own kids can see ... according to their gods will "I.e. their own" ... these governmental practionors seem forced to acklowelegde their main complainent base ... and then proceed to act on a minority opinion because it pleases a particular "community" of voting importance ...

Based nothing on the actual "reality" of circumstance and situation ... we end up seeing such stupid laws prevail ... time after time ... :sly:


The media plays it's part in perpetuating the stupidity ... lets take "kiddie porn" for example ... WHERE IS? the best example of discussion or revalation on the subject recently other than that Artist guy who's naturalistic photos of the young female brewed such a hoo-hah ... Is this the worst problem or what? ... the problem is being perpetuated by the media and government ... there simply was no issue excepting a very small minority who took offence to it ... notice if you will that it is always a very small minority that complain on ANY issue ... same goes for the so called "important" ones ... most of us use the great skill of "common sense" to justify to ourselves how we perceive any given subject ... we don't need the media ... we don't need the politicians to be able to make sense of it all ... we would hope they would take the sensible approach and truly "listen" to what the People think ... NOT the people who are sponsoring the "party" , NOT the people who attend your church ceremonies ... NOT the manipulative presence of power from all over the globe ... but the Actual citizens of the Nation! ... The people who live here and have to live with the decisions of those that help construct the "rules".


Hmmm , I doubt I said well what I meant to say ... but that's all from me for now , got brain-lock :)

Cheerz and may the People Lead :doh:


Budman :)

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I thought this thing just fizzled down and they quietly retreated to their tax payer funded houses to use their tax payer funded internet to research more ways to control the tax payers.

Ah well. Just one thing to say. Don't bother writing the Con. He's doing this thing whether you like it or not. Write to everybody else who have the choice whether to oppose him or not. I'm not sure if all the local government gets a say or not, someone with more info might be able to say. But if not, write everyone you can in the federal level.

But basically it's not gonna get through. There's way too much opposition afaik.


Oh yeah and VPN are way better than proxies, unless you buy a high level anonymous proxy, they are useless. The free lists are slow, they change all the time and 'they' can still trace you with ease, even with the free anonymous ones. Download the free VPN, Hotspot Shield. No setting up, just install and click connect.

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I tend to disagree with not writing Conjob. May seem like an exercise in futility, but he's required to respond. When writing this knobsock, it pays to reference several issues, per Bernard Keane. You may not change Conjob's mind but you'll at least keep a few staffwonks in gainful employ...


Pays also to write to those who appear to be on the fence re/ this bad policy, Liberals in particular. It's not a sure thing that the Libs will oppose. Conjob only needs 5 of them to cross the floor to pass amendments to the BSA.


State MPs won't have any say in the passage of this tripe, but you can keep them in the loop so they know what the mood of their constituents may be.


Agreed on VPN vs proxies. Many proxies are not encrypted. Also, the filter is URL based, so it's likely that many well-known public proxies may get banned by the censorware. Also, free proxies are often used as password harvesting honeypots and may not in fact hide your tracks very well.

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