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Hydroponic nutrients

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Ok so heres a dose of hippy crap for y'all


I don't know about the science of what you all are talking. There's probably a bit of truth and a bit of bs on boths sides. None of it can be proven except by quoting someone elses research on the net. You just never know for absolute sure if the science is correct. The research can be biased based on who funds it and scientists do get shit wrong as well.


But heres what I do know: Mother nature never gets it wrong. Ever.


I've grown inorganic hydro and got great weed. I've grown organic hydro and got great weed. I've grown organic outdoors and got great weed.


The differences were subtle. I consider myself very sensitive to all sorts of things. Tastes, smells etc. I can't take pharma drugs my body is way too sensitive for them. I can't drink more than a 6pack of anything and when I get high i need very little. So when i consume anything, i tend to notice the sublte differences more than most ppl.


Here's the conclusions I've personally come up with: You just can't beat mother nature. Sorry....but that's my stance. It's not just about the taste or your health - and those things are important. It's the High. It's more gentle on the mind and body and just more enjoyable/pleasant.


Here's what i personally believe but cannot prove: The Sun, as apposed to artificial lighting, gives the plants something. Call it 'energy' 'love' 'Light' whatever. It gives the plant something and programs it in a way nothing else can. Anxient ppl worshiped the Sun and we may thing that's primative to do something liek that today, but the older i get i think maybe they were onto something. There's more to the sun than being a ball of gas. When you combine that with what our mother earth gives the plant from below and the energy we give the plants ourselves as we tend to them - you have some very special weed indeed.


Yes i'm a hippy, and yes i probably speak shit, and yes i probably have no idea what i'm talking about. Please save your hate for someone else. This is just my beliefs and I'm not going to impose them on anyone.



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I share your sentiment BentBuddha, IMO indoor growing only took off and is more prevalent today because of prohibition.

Of course there will always be people who can only grow indoors for many reasons and thats a good thing too.


But i often wonder what it would be like if prohibition had never existed and all cannabis continued to be grown outdoors? in some place like mid NSW north coast, SE QLD it grew wild. Too be alive then ahhh


For me there is nothing better than the sight of a big , green , lush looking cannabis plant growing to its full potential under the sun.

There is some great examples at present in the outdoor grow threads, also of some people getting ripped by scum bags who like smoking weak immature buds. For me these are the fucktoads that ruin it for the majority.


I also share your sensitivity to everything, my condition leaves me very sensitive to most things, i see nothing wrong with hydro grown ,using mineral nutes, but i def find it stronger in all aspects compared to some organic soil grown outside.

For me both have there merits, i just wish i could freely grow a few plants outside so i can have this option more, as i am not able to do guerrilla growing.



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Yeah natural is my preference. However it isn't really practical these days. Indoor gardeners have definately turned their craft into an art, considering the conditions they have to work with. Back in the day before a kind ex decided to ruin my fun and make a phone call - I'm not too proud to say i grew some quality stuff indoors myself.


Last summer I met a new friend who had a couple going outdoors. I shared the little knowledge i had with him of organics (as it was his first grow) and to both of our suprise these girls really took off. He was in it for the bucks as he's on a pension for all sorts of injurys and illness's - but after trying his own product he was a convert. He moved 80% of it and we kept the other 20%. It had been so long since i'd had any natural stuff and it was a real treat. That 20% lasted us (and a few close friends) about 4months - and just got better with age.


I feel high just remembering it.

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wow, some people!!!!!

is that guy for real??? im fairly new to growing and even i could see he was full of it.. for example.. i grow in a unused shower and the exhaust fan above broke in feb. since there was now nothing to suck the heat out the temps often hit 45-50..its a little cooler now so its not as bad..currently at 42..plants are fine..i actually started a new grow while in the 45-50 range and the babies handled....

Ho and frazz by all means give your plant 40 hours in 36c and prove me wrong.


so mate, i guess that proves your wrong..


i guess if the water was that temp there`d be problems but if plants couldnt survive over 29 or 36 or whichever estimate your stickin with now, there would never have been a plant grown outdoors in this country where 36 and above is fairly common in summer.. how do places like columbia manage, given that it gets hotter there and a fuckload more humid which was another claim you made.. shit no- one in nth qld and probably NT as well could grow indoors or out if you where correct in your claims..


bufo, subtle as always dude...:wacko: i was laughin hard readin your replies...:peace:


gitm69, get yourself a manger mate, you handle yourself way too much.. and perhaps a dictionary would help you grasp the english language, you seem to have some trouble with it.. being that its rather a simple thing , you would still have us believe your an expert on bio-chemistry of all things....:)


seriously though mate, your original post could have been 1 of interest, no-one wants cancer.. but you refused to explain or back up with ANY evidence, instead you just rambled, cited google(you could find a site that claims vampires are real on google) and basically got more ridiculous as you went.. and argueing with admin and the mods probly aint the wisest move 1 could make which probably illustrates your level of intelligence ...so why would any1 take you seriously...


sorry all i know its an old thread but i was reading it and couldnt help throwing in my 2 cents worth..

cheers all :)

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OK i no stuff and things about this sort of stuff and have some worthless paper from various tertiary institutions to prove it


this topic is what happens when a noob reads half the story (downside of the internet everyone thinks they know everything after 5 min on google)


The argument of only one element from asbestos is pointless. In biochem two different molecules can be exactly the same in everyway except that they are mirror images of eachother (eg like your hands same but not, they cant stack on top of echother) the molecules are called anatiomers of eachother. they are the same but mirrors


A great example is glucose. Glucose alpha is the great useable sugar molecule we all transport around our bodies while glucose beta cant be used instead it is the unit that links together to form the polymer celluous (wood) which to use humans is useless as an energy source. instead we have to feed it cattle because they formed a lucrative partnership with bacteria who can digest it. So these two glucose molecule couldnt have more different properties yet they are exactly the same except mirrors eachother


My point is that in biochem something being simular is pointless. Just a slight change in a molecule completely changes is



The only thing 5 yearrs of science with post grad quals taught me was that living things are almost infinitely complex and we will never in this lifetime understand ever half of what goes on at a molecular level. Scientific knowledge is funny cause when you learn the basics after a couple years uni u think - yeah cool i can nearly get my head around this i know how plants work. Then the deeper u dig and the more you learn the more you just come to the realisation that u were fucking kidding yourself and that plants will hold secrets to how they work for a lot longer yet. Take legumes for example, humans can make nitrogen ferts from the very stable nitrogen gas in the atmosphere it takes thousands of volts and very high temps to achieve. On the other hand legumous plants with the help of bacteria (natures chemical factories) can do the same task at 20 degrees C and with very little energy.

Edited by GIY
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Scientific knowledge is funny cause when you learn the basics after a couple years uni u think - yeah cool i can nearly get my head around this i know how plants work. Then the deeper u dig and the more you learn the more you just come to the realisation that u were fucking kidding yourself and that plants will hold secrets to how they work for a lot longer yet.


So true. Funny how you can come out of an institution with so much more knowledge than when you entered, yet feel you know less than when you started.

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