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Hydroponic nutrients

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Ok fair enough, correct me please.


I belive the rest of my post which was not quoted and the post before which was largely ignored have more than prooven that a small claim doesn't make it so , and all I have asked for from yourself is a bit of substance to your claims , I am not the one that is making the claims that are not accepted by modern science or medicine.


I'm starting to think that maybe you simply don't understand half of what your saying, your just regurgitating half pieces of information that may fly on international sites ( which I happen to know they often don't and end up like this topic lol ) but the people here want the truth and the why which is why I believe your " Helpful Post " hasn't been and won't be seen as very helpful to many people until some of the claims are at least backed up a bit .

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Ho and frazz by all means give your plant 40 hours in 36c and prove me wrong.




lol With all due respect. I'd advise a little more growing experience and alot less book quoting (especially when it's a load of bollocks) before making comments if you don't want to look like a total noob.


You obviously have no idea about growing decent cannabis in the heat......if you did you would know how useful it is for resin production for a start. And that the plants don't die at over 35c. ;)



Ps....I've been growing as long as you have been on the planet, both organic and hydro and any combination or experiment I could think of in between and I still think you got no idea what your talking about.


It still sounds like "unsubstantiated hippy diatribe" to me.

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Ho and frazz by all means give your plant 40 hours in 36c and prove me wrong.



umm your post from memory was on the effect on the calyx tissue who flowers on a 40 hour cycle ?


In most of the regions of the world that cannabis grows best the days hit over 35 as an average , it's been proven many times over by people FORCED to grow in 40-50 degree rooms that if you can control root zone and water temperatures aswell as keep the air moving to avoid to much focused radiant heat the plants will not only survive but add resin as a natural form of protection from the heat it's certainly a less than preferable environment as you HAVE to do things like control the water temperature ect but at the end of the day your not doing damage to the plant if you deal with temperature adjustments where they are truly needed

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What ever guy's keep feeding your plants and your lungs shit.


And by the way about your temp comment - its the lower humiduty due to higher temp that changes the growth rate not the heat, Weed CAN NOT GROW OVER 29c keep your temp at 32-33 (no fans no night cool down) for over 40 hours and tell me how much mass you added.


My Grow


Lights - 600w lumatek, 600w nextgen

Veg - MH 400 + sunlight


Nuts - All organic guano + aminomix and seaweed foilar every 14 days.


Medium - Clayballs, Coco , coco perlite mix, coco perlite and muchroom compost (best one so far) mix , soil mix.


Week - 26 days into flowring the only thing not organic is the 11ltr pots.


Differences from non organic - less smell, bigger buds at 26 days, less watering - but more time making teas.

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And by the way about your temp comment - its the lower humiduty due to higher temp that changes the growth rate not the heat



What a load of tripe, have you ever grown in high temps with low humidity? I've been doing it for years in rooms that hit low 50's in some summers and humidity under 10% if it even registers on my gauges. You just have to know how. Which it's obvious you don't.



If you want to carry on like "the oracle" it would help if you knew what you were on about.



Peace MongyMan

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lol nice deficient plants


Maybe you should learn to grow before passing out advice cause everythign you have said and now shown us just says your a noob that thinks he's top shit ;)


Like I have said previously and you have just proven for me your speaking shit that you have clearly half read and misunderstood , plants stop FEEDING when there WATER temperatures and root zones get up that high the above temperature makes no difference until the nitrogen and water molecules in the plant are effected by the heat which starts to happen at 50+ .

Next time you decide to read a grow guide read it all the way through or maybe re-read it a few times cause you clearly misunderstood whoever taught you how to grow or they where an idiot lol


Nothing of what you have said to this point though has backed up a single claim you have made here at all and your speaking to people with more growing experience than you have life experience and who get pissed off at noobs spreading bad information


Your theory's have been proven wrong by thousands of our members over the years and your grow is a joke , I'd quit even though your not quite ahead ;)



* so I don't look insane there where images in that last post that gitm69 has now removed

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No it wont....

My wife... a florist...

uses it to prolong the life of cut flowers


To be honest I have never fed my plants bleach via their root system so I don't know lol HOWEVER, I have used bleach WATERED DOWN (5ml per litre) to kill grey mould (botrytis) WITHOUT harming the plants.


Don't start spreading more crap please need4weed. Sounds like another urban myth, but if you can provide more information rather than just post and run please do so...... You sure it's not being used as a sanitiser like I just pointed out above? If that is not the case exactly how much bleach are you talking about? 1 drop per litre, 10ml, 100ml ? What? Explain. Otherwise this is how rubbish is perpetuated as fact. Someone puts 2 and 2 together and comes up with 22000 ;)


As for gitm69 you've had repeated chances to explain your understanding on what you've posted and failed dismally, the mods showed you more patience than what your worth. I knew this thread would just go round and round and round and round and round and round and.......

You truly have limited understanding of growing, we get temps over 40 throughout summer in Australia, I have had my grow room up near 40 some days, as long as the root temp doesn't get that hot they have finished properly, sometimes I have battled fungus gnats, root rot but never have I seen the plants just give up and die from temps alone. Mongy grows in temps pushing closer to 45 - 50 at peak heat wave conditions.

As for the rest of your crap, you had your chance

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