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Hydroponic nutrients

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I have never asked myself why they do not enrich hydroponic mediums or why they are not made to hold or store elements because well simply put that goes against what was always considered traditional in hydroponic systems, Once apon a time hydroponic literally meant a non enriched medium where the growing and feed schedule was taken care of from a nutrient enriched water source . Organic Hydro , Bioponics ect are all relatively new things comparatively speaking and I certainly wouldn't have expected that they would change the properties of existing mediums to suit this as there is simply no need to, there has certainly been a huge push in coco and other more eco-system driven hydroponic systems like aquaponics


Personally I have had the luxury of trying allot of the organic products on offer both here and what can be obtained from the states and to be honest I'm yet to find a company that has managed to provide an easily obtainable stable full spectrum nutrient and so long as that factor remains I personaly prefer to rely on a hybrid feed schedule


My view is that an open minded person would be able to see that at the end of the day all the argument has been about over these years is whats better all around, so few people stop to consider a middle ground and take advantage of what both options have to offer. It's something that will change eventually with time though you will always have your puritists on both sides . 25 years ago the concept of organic hydroponics was simply mad ;) you wanted to go organic you went with soil , these days though more and more people are seeing as what it is , a source of food , doctors artificially boost all kinds of vitamin deficiencies is this any worse for us than the way that we would naturally obtain them ?


I know the US like to lead the world on things but our government seems to reject the importation of allot of their " organic " nutrients because they don't cut the mustard to be sold here as organic goods so I don't believe they serve as the best examples for us at all . Also don't forget that every nutrient company can spin crap about their brand if they couldn't they wouldn't be in the business


The problem I personaly have with a few of the comments is that the claims have little to no substance to them , they are certainly things that I have seen crop up in the past but at the end of the day the people are generally arguing using third hand hypothesizes or even 4th, 5th hand like yourself .


You say your happy to back up your information but just tell people to search some of the international sites lol I can find a site about just any topic but I would like to know what you are basing your claims on not what Google can find for me.

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Thank you finally a logical question.


everything that we give to our plants is used - but they create different substances as a by product when they use it. when the plants use nitrets they create sevral hazardous by products that are deposited in the plant tissue when used to build cells. that becomes a part of anything in the plant if we smoke it or not.


ammonia on the other hand (which is what most organic fertilizers have in them) creates naturaly accuring byproducts that are not hazardous to our body and the soil or medium it grows in.


Flush before harvest - first of all even if the water you use to flush away all the "bad things" its still has to go somwhere (soil, toilet what ever) - but it dosnt since when we flush we actually increase the amount of "shit" in our plants since they have to turn to this byproducts in a leaching process (we do it so it will burn well does not mean its healthy or good for the plant - and dont know if you tried completly organic or not but you can feed the plant to harvest and your smoke will not taste harsh as it does with inorganic nutrints tried and tested) - the only thing that washes away are the souluble form of the fertilizer what ever the plants used up, is already a part of the plant.


Several other things - all the additives that we use are packed very good - but most of them do the same thing (in diffrent ways) they improve the meduim CEC level that the inorganic nutrintes depleted when they convert inorganic form of NPK and other trace elements to organic form - why do you think so many manufectures started adding seaweed to thier fertilizer - becuase they like us - no becuase its a cheap stable form of organic Nuts that can be used with inorganic fertilizers to reduce the drop in cec (please google CEC for plant medium) and have a bit of read it will save me the time of pasting it.


Fertilizers (that are sold as organic) of animals that DIDNT grow in an organic (Pesticide and chemical free) are not orgnic since they contain the same things that was fed to the soil - that is the reason why the BFA standart for organic certifaction is so hard to get in Oz.


What else? i have 20 more min here today

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The problem I personaly have with a few of the comments is that the claims have little to no substance to them , they are certainly things that I have seen crop up in the past but at the end of the day the people are generally arguing using third hand hypothesizes or even 4th, 5th hand like yourself .


You say your happy to back up your information but just tell people to search some of the international sites lol I can find a site about just any topic but I would like to know what you are basing your claims on not what Google can find for me.


Ok fair enough, correct me please.

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gitm69 it is my learned opinion that you are a raving lunatic, and iam very rarely wrong in diagnosing mental incapacity the type which you exhibit here


have you ever asked yourself - why we have to give so many additives to support healthy growth


No ive never asked such questions because HELLO we do not have to use additives to support healthy growth !


your previous thread stating plants die when temperatures reach 36 degrees is another example of your misleading and false information,

please cease and desist posting false and misleading information



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Iam off to bed guys, any question that you have about the thread please go ahead, i agree with you pure that its very hard to find an organic nutrient that is easy to use like the inorganic soluble ones. and i didnt expect that you will go on some riot against the manufectures, i was only sharing my knowledge and experience with you - what you choose to do with it is up to you.


Non of the opinions i gave here today are 4th or 5th copy from somone else - ive been growing organic (yes making teas is a pain in the ass) for almost a year now - and after the highs i get from organic (no wasted feeling that smashes you down after 2 hours, dosnt fuck you up when you wake up the next day and most important Pure oh my so pure) - id rather not smoke weed ever again before i go back to inorganic hydro. and between us its preaty unfair of most of you to dismiss it like that before you tried it yourself.


Good night

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