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Hydroponic nutrients

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Just wanted to share with you some facts on the food we give our plants.


DM Liquid Gold - additive that are fed to meat birds in poultry factories with a slight change to make it usable by plants.


Mineral Salts (in all non organic nuts) - 2% away from commercial toilet bleach.


Rockwool - .1 atom molecule from asbest ;)


Dont know how many of you really go into understanding what they put in our plants food. I was using canna and dm for the last 3 years and only after i spent some time in a grow farm of one of the co-ops in NSW, I got that we are giving our plants POISON. Aside from some of the shit they add in:


"Its Ironic to see that most commercial marijuana manufacturers in the U.S and Europe that Grow Weed for cancer and terminal patients actually use the same hydroponic nuts - all of them have nitrates - one of the main causes for almost all cancers in the human body lol (google "nitrates cancer") that we get from what we eat (Pork, Vegies, Fruit - that are grown with non organic fertilizers)".


There is some justice in what we do to our plants since what we give to them they later give to us).


If you care about your plants and your health go organic, Marijuana is a very strong plant, russia uses it to absorb rediation from her nuclear plants, and it still grows tall and strong - and they grow even stronger when you give them what they need.


Peace out - love you and think you all roCk for puting a F**k on the Gov, and growing one of the best plants on earth.

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What a load of crap, do you dream this shit up or just cut and paste other peoples dribble from other sites? Your posts would have to be some of the worst I've seen and I've seen too many lately.

It's this sort of garbage the prohibitionists love.

Bleach will kill a plant instantly, explain to me why the mineral salts don't do this if your so fucking smart?

You can't even spell asbestos let alone even understand why it's dangerous ;)

Piss off and stop posting at OzStoners, please lol

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Productive as always dear Bufo, remind me again where your chemistry degree is from - or english grammar maybe if you have anything to prove me wrong - such as data that actually support nitrates as plant food for exemple, or since you have a lot of knowledge on plant physiology why dont you tell us what are nitrites. Its a shame to see that you invest your time and effort to put other people down and dismiss their opinions so easly - I read somwhere here that a mind is like a parachute if its not open it doesnt work.


Think about that my friend,


Most of humanity tought that coca cola and tobacco where healthy 30 years ago


Take care


P.s Buffo


Do you drink coca cola ?

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