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This sort of thread is one of the biggest problems we face in the fight to decriminalise or legalist the herb,,,,,,we lie just like the other side does,,,and it's obvious.

People read threads/posts like this,and must know that it is a "very" one sided and dishonest version of the same game those that want to keep us criminals are playing.

I read this thread and instantly thought of the people I know that have hurt themselves very badly while stoned,of people I've known that spend most of their money on pot and do belive they need it to get through the day.

I know people that can't get off their arses to go to work because they are stoned all the time.

I won't even go into the people that involve themselves and by contact their familys with organized crime and all that goes with it.

I've known people that have gone out with the intension of robbing others of both money and weed,and I've known people that have been robbed of both by other stoners,,,we come from all walks of life and ain't all hippys.

There are health issues with smoking weed,to claim other wise is to treat your readers as fools,,and you lose any credibility you have the instant you do that.

I want weed decriminalized as much as any other smoker,but I don't belive it will happen if we lie about some of the affects of weed,while keeping an eye open to the good side.

Most open minded people today "weather they be stoners or not" do realise the govt's lies about the affects of weed,,amounst many other things,,,but they'll still support the status quo when it comes to choosing between two liars.

We play their game,,,we lose,,the first post on this thread is their game.

Actualy I wouldn't be to supprised to find this thread was started for the very reason of making us look bad,,,,it's pretty fucking stupid.


Well I've certainly never known anybody who has "hurt themselves very badly" why stoned.


As for marijuana users robbing people, I certainly have never encountered this as a problem. Perhaps their robbing behavior wasn't actually related to the marijuana but their personality which they had before they started smoking?


As for being too stoned to go to work, I mean that is really an issue of responsible behavior. If they went out all night to a night club and were too tired to go to work would you blame the nightclub? I'm sure I could get too stoned to go to work, but again I don't think its the fault of the marijuana.


Marijuana is quite a safe substance, I won't say absolutely safe- I mean what is- but very safe. I stand by what I said though, it comes down to this: Most of us don't believe the justifications for it being legal are valid. I have never met a person I'd say that marijuana ruined their life, I mean if its such a problem, you just don't smoke it, its not like any person with the slightest amount of will power can't quit it if they want (Except maybe if they mix it with tobacco, most "addicted" people I know mix it with tobacco.

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I've known people who've hurt themselves while stoned...for example, my friend forgot to put on her oven mit when taking her cookies out of the oven, she burnt her finger slightly. Or another example, another friend ran over their big toe when taking the bin out, semi-ouch.


I've also known people who've hurt themselves while drunk...for example, an idiot from school crashed into traffic lights while under the influence and his back will never, ever be the same from the massive injuries he suffered and still suffers. Or another example, a friend of mine tripped when walking down the stairs to meet more of his drunken friends..blood everywhere, ambulance called...he still has the scars.


So yeah...when it comes to what's safer in that regard, I think we all know the answer.


I also know people who have indeed robbed and stolen from others just so they could go out and buy weed..in some instances they only stole enough to buy a 25 which is pretty pathetic, really. These people would of done that anyway...whether they ran out of cash for weed, alcohol or any other substance. It has nothing to do with cannabis itself. The same story goes for people who choose not to go to work if they're too stoned, the fact is they probably wouldn't of gone to work even if they weren't stoned - they probaby just didn't feel like it and again, that comes down to personality...it doesn't come down to cannabis itself.

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I've known people who've hurt themselves while stoned...for example, my friend forgot to put on her oven mit when taking her cookies out of the oven, she burnt her finger slightly. Or another example, another friend ran over their big toe when taking the bin out, semi-ouch.


Well I guess marijuana might mildly increase your risk of an accident, but obviously its not a significant problem and pales in comparison to alcohol. I've however never known anybody to have a serious accident while on cannabis.


Overall the risk from cannabis is dramatically less than the risks from any other known drugs.


I crave a day where I don't have to hide the fact I use cannabis. For example recently I have dealt with child protection, and court, but you would never "admit" to using cannabis, because it can be used to paint you as being a mentally unstable chronic drug addict, doubtlessly on the verge of developing psychosis.


I wish I could say that I smoked marijuana on the weekend and it was as acceptable as somebody who goes "hey I get drunk on the weekend".


I wish I could go to a cannabis cafe in the city, and associate with other people that smoke weed. I'm sure I'd make great friends that way, but I can assure people I don't like socializing with drunk people. I feel apprehensive around most drunk people, I am always gauging whether trouble is going to erupt, certainly there will be at least a few embarrassing and inappropriate comments.


Well whether it is illegal or not, nobody can or will stop me smoking it. So to those in Australian society that would love to be able to stop me smoking marijuana, or to throw me in prison: I'd like to say a big FUCK YOU.

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No one robs anyone because of cannabis! There's plenty of criminals out there that smoke it and think it's all right to hang out at the train station beating and rolling people, of course they might use the money they robbed to buy cannabis, but it has nothing to do with cannabis it's self, if cannabis didn't exist they'd be buying alcohol or some other drug. Same can be said for people that sit around all day smoking it, if it wasn't herb they'd be sitting around doing some other drug.


Also from spending a few years in the building industry (where drug use is everywhere) I can honestly say the bong heads are usually very good workers, there always on time never start fights and only make fairly harmless mistakes. The alcoholics on the other hand are always late, always starting fights and being loud and abusive and constantly make very dangerous mistakes that puts every body at risk of injury. So compared to alcohol I think it's fair to say that cannabis 'is' harmless.


Also the reason cannabis won't be legalized in Australia (for medical or recreational use) for a very long time has a lot to do with how suppressed our media is. Look at what's happening in the US right now, most Australians have no idea cause the media totally ignore it.

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This sort of thread is one of the biggest problems we face in the fight to decriminalise or legalist the herb,,,,,,we lie just like the other side does,,,and it's obvious.

People read threads/posts like this,and must know that it is a "very" one sided and dishonest version of the same game those that want to keep us criminals are playing.

I read this thread and instantly thought of the people I know that have hurt themselves very badly while stoned,of people I've known that spend most of their money on pot and do belive they need it to get through the day.

I know people that can't get off their arses to go to work because they are stoned all the time.

I won't even go into the people that involve themselves and by contact their familys with organized crime and all that goes with it.

I've known people that have gone out with the intension of robbing others of both money and weed,and I've known people that have been robbed of both by other stoners,,,we come from all walks of life and ain't all hippys.

There are health issues with smoking weed,to claim other wise is to treat your readers as fools,,and you lose any credibility you have the instant you do that.

I want weed decriminalised as much as any other smoker,but I don't belive it will happen if we lie about some of the affects of weed,while keeping an eye open to the good side.

Most open minded people today "weather they be stoners or not" do realise the govt's lies about the affects of weed,,amounst many other things,,,but they'll still support the status quo when it comes to choosing between two liars.

We play their game,,,we lose,,the first post on this thread is their game.

Actualy I wouldn't be to supprised to find this thread was started for the very reason of making us look bad,,,,it's pretty fucking stupid.


Although I see your point ... It's kinda useless in the scheme of things ...

SO you recogize that people have "fucked up" while using Cannabis ... can you really attribute their actions purely to Cannabis and not a whole host of other things??

To seriously hurt yourself , to avoid responsibilty like work and finance , to steal and undermine anothers basic human rights ... would you say that this is the Effect of Cannabis? ... or more likely the effect of a disturbed individual who most likely would partake in many different drugs and other "offences" on their journey?

Seriously ... through your usage of words you have painted an almost "anti" image of your beliefs therestated ... in which case I doubt your sincerety "I want weed decriminalised as much as any other smoker" ...


Actually , it was a decent post ... I'm too stoned to detract from it right now ... but please.

Cheerz lol


Budman B)


Have an goodt one.

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Really enjoyed reading the last several posts.


Its good to see some people still believe in taking responsibility for ALL our actions.


Here is to making conscious decisions and living with the consequences and not laying blame on anything we can think off at the time.

I agree our media is suppressed and i feel this permeates society in general.


We never ask WHY? why do people FEEL the need to go and get smashed and inflict there suppressed and pent up BS on other people?

Ive been there and done it all myself, lots of alcohol was always involved, but i dont blame the alcohol for a second, it was just like any other

mind altering substance a catalyst for a release of inner turmoil and conflict.


Did anyone see the stats for the AUS wide Alcohol violence crackdown on the weekend? I think it was 2392 in total.

Then the EXPERTS say, we should reduce supply...lol...just like said in above posts it does not matter what the substance is, if someone needs to vent

their shit on everyone else they are going to do it with one thing or the other.

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