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The Bubbler

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bubblers have been around for years mate, just by looking at that photo it looks incredibly poorly designed.


one knock and the bell effect of the downstem in that rubber grommet will kick in = dead glass; don't be too disheartened if you liked the way it hit.


[edit]: the one in the second pic doesn't look too bad tho; spending $30 on a bubbler is like spending $10 on a bong though; alot of work goes into these and you get what you pay for to some extent :\

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bubblers have been around for years mate, just by looking at that photo it looks incredibly poorly designed.


one knock and the bell effect of the downstem in that rubber grommet will kick in = dead glass; don't be too disheartened if you liked the way it hit.


[edit]: the one in the second pic doesn't look too bad tho; spending $30 on a bubbler is like spending $10 on a bong though; alot of work goes into these and you get what you pay for to some extent :\


not neccesarily, checkout my bubbler lol I haven't had any issues with spillage yet; nice thick glass and a very smooth pull; the base is flattened on an angle and the whole piece balances perfectly. there are much nicer pieces around but this one was only $70AUD with two bowls, a dry piece and shipping/insurance from the US.



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screw bubblers dude, forget them. Either get a dry glass pipe with a shottie, or a bong. Bubblers are a waste because if your fucked you will spill it on yourself, suck up the water like a straw if you pull too hard or drop the damn thing.

Always wanted to try glass dry pipe but hard to get anything now in S.A. What are thet like to clean?

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