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Killerney peat moss..

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Hi guys,


Just wanted to ask about Killerney peat moss by Amgrow, I am currently using it mixed with perlite and vermiculite for seedlings and early veg. I have recently read though that this particular medium is quite acidic? My plants have been having a few problems with discoloration of leaves (a dark brown / rust colour) on some. Wondering if this could have to do with the acidic nature of the soil? I dont have a ph tester kit atm but will endeavor to get one, just wanted to see if anyone had any experience with this.





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Thanks for the replies guys, I think that the peat moss was too acidic for the plants and also held water a little too well. I've since given them a dose of epsom salts for Mg deficiency and re-potted to coco coir and perlite mix. They seem to be doing alright now, I'll remember to leave the peat moss in the future I think! Also gave them a PH test and was slightly acidic from the reading.
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Thanks for the replies guys, I think that the peat moss was too acidic for the plants and also held water a little too well. I've since given them a dose of epsom salts for Mg deficiency and re-potted to coco coir and perlite mix. They seem to be doing alright now, I'll remember to leave the peat moss in the future I think! Also gave them a PH test and was slightly acidic from the reading.


you need a bit of dolomite lime in a peat moss mix like that... would have been fine then... and leave out the vermiculite and just use equal parts of peat and perlite... that would have solved your moisture issue.

Edited by SLAiN
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