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First signs of flowering ov my larger plants, what to use?

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Hey all i just went and had a look at my plants,they're about chest high and starting to flower, i noticed the first couple of pistils and I want to make this plant happy and thick of buds!


I am growing in the back yard with no additional nutrients except some slow release fertiliser pellets, I would like to know what I should be using now that flowering has started.


I know everyone has different nutes they use, naturally i want maximum results so can anybody recommend products to use?


what do i get, how much and when do i feed them...





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Exact amounts and timing will depend on a lot of factors, but you would do well to water then with a half strength liquid bloom fertiliser around once a week, and make sure when you do water that you make a thorough job of it.


Any standard powdered/liquid fert will do, try and find one which is designed for "flowering and fruiting" plants and you'll get the best results generally.


Less is usually more with nutrients so if you're not sure, just use less of it. Always lean on the light side with nutrition, and keep in mind that both the potting mix itself and the slow release pellets will provide most of the plants requirements until it reaches a decent size. Also remember that slow release granules release more nutrients in hot temps than cold ones, so make sure you give things a good watering at the end of a hot day to both solubilise these nutrients and carry away any excess. Don't overdo it would be the best suggestion I could make.


Know of many outdoor growers in Aust who use "Monsta Bud" as a standalone nutrient or nutrient addition to their watering cans, again, lean on the light side of the rates and you should be okay.

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cool thanks for the great info there! helps alot when people tell you this and that but dont get to the point! recently i havn't needed to water them cos it's been raining a fait bit, usually i water each plant with the hose for a minute on spray so i cover all the foliage, the more vigorous plant has it's 4 big stems about 60-70cm tall, most of the nodes also have stems ranging from 10- 30 cm so without going out and counting i have at least 15-20 stems


I have some Yates Thrive - garden Rose food in the shed, can i use this? here's a link for NPK etc..


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I think the particular thrive you are looking at is a little light on P, and maybe K, (NPK 6:6:10.5) for flowering. Looks OK for veg but a bit low on N. I use Aquasol for veg, NPK 23:4:18.


I use a product called Manutec Bloom Booster (NPK 8.2:14.6:16.8) but only because it was 'on hand', no particular recommendation.


People often refer to a product called 'PK 13/14' which I haven't used but guess is NPK x:13:14, for flower.


Keep in mind that 'slow release' formulas are _NOT_ recommended at any stage. MJ is a fast growing plant (we don't call it 'weed' for no reason).


prefer that?

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